Friday 20 September 2019

Time To Fight Back Against Gun Ban .. But You Won't:

I support Rods 'call to action' to oppose the so called 'assault weapons ban'.

I've been thinking and whinging about this lying anti-gun propaganda for years ... but the issue is WHAT ACTION MUST WE TAKE?

We law abiding quarter million licensed shooters are trying to get a fair & balanced approach from the authorities - BUT the Politicians and Police have wriggled to the very end of the seesaw with all their combined weight while playing loud music that trades on our mourning & shame over the acts of a murderous international terrorist.
We are outweighed by these politically motivated liars .. But that doesn't mean that we shooters are in any way guilty or that our reasoned arguments are wrong.

It only means that they are just not listening to our case.

- So thinking out-loud as I'm writing - somehow we need to MAKE them listen to us ..

BUT - right now I'll bet the value of two of my firearms to the Sallies that way too many of you will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Marty K.

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