Tuesday 28 April 2020


Hmm - If you think politics is boring I'm sorry - but if you would like to continue owning your valuable firearms and enjoying shooting sports into the long term future - you will have to bite the bullet .. lock'n'load - and see that your powder is kept dry while you 'scope-out the political scene.

 So - how many Political Parties are there for FIT & PROPER LICENSED FIREARMS OWNERS to chose from and support with our votes?

Mix Those Colours All Together & You Get a Crappy Brown ..

Firstly - there are those FIVE parties currently in Parliament to pick from - then there are more than another 110 wanna-be's swirling around in kiwi society .. while it swirls down the plug-hole.

There are more than 115 different Political Parties (present & past) in New Zealand .. plus other "movements" that have not yet registered as political parties .. that's almost as many political parties as there are politicians in power/parliament here ..

- you can research it yourself here:


''Spoiled for Choice"? .. maybe - but the issue I'm concerned with is shooter's rights and how to get them back .. These career bums from either side in parliament are much like Tweedledum & Tweedledee  with their short-term interest in staying in power with another term of easy money.
Alice with Tweedledum & Tweedledee:

I've always thought that it was THE ISSUES that were the issue .. not the colour of your logo and rosettes .. but the pollies have worked-out that we apes are a tribal lot who get emotionally glued to some type of belief and then seem happiest when we have a crowd of fellows to cuddle up to ..
ROA Only Here 'cos It's So Pretty Out Of The Box:

- But we have got to work with what we've got - for the moment anyway.

Right now the only chance to return some sanity and logic to NZ Firearms Law is to vote strategically .. This is the only chance that we've got to restore sense to our gun laws ..

If we do manage priority A - then we will need to fight to restore DEMOCRACY to New Zealand by kicking-out those smug overpaid career politicians.

The New Zealand Labour Party currently has ONLY 14,000 paid-up members.

- Would it be rude of me to point-out that if less than 6% of the 246,000 F.licence holders .... a mere 14,100 of the 246,000  NZ Licensed Firearms Owners - joined the NZ Labour Party .. THEY COULD CONTROL IT .. & it's firearms policy .. & the present Government.

Shooters need to join the political party of their choice and start to work from within to fix the rules of gun ownership - AS A RIGHT as set-out in the British Bill of Rights 1688.

Next I think that a Second NZ Upper House in Parliament formed as a CITIZENS ASSEMBLY might be a strong democratic advance .. The exact opposite to that "House of Privilege" for the British Lords & aristocracy ..
Enough British Lords (787) To Clog A Main Sewer -

It's strange how anyone with an idea here sets-off to form a NEW group rather than to work from inside of an already established outfit.
Marty K.



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