Wednesday 1 April 2020

My Phone & Government Incompetence:

Just for a giggle here's a personal experience ..

I've updated from copper to fibre for my home telecoms. The business that contracts to supply this service - sub-contracts out all the work without getting their hands dirty .. other than from handling the revenues.

When one team with trenching machines lay the cables - a second group then later ran my new cable up the garden, under the house and into my lounge. Then the "principal" sent me a new modem. - well they actually sent THREE new modem/routers consecutively to the wrong address in an other city on the other island despite me having complained several times previously that they seemed incapable of recording my proper address .. "Ah it's our computer - it keeps predictively changing what we type - but don't worry as you're getting your accounts by e-mail".

.. So while I'm waiting-waiting - one of their morons decides that I MUST HAVE ALREADY been sorted by now and disconnected my copper connection at the exchange.  In the ensuing two months without a landline I have repeatedly spoken to very pleasant call-centre staff in Pune India and in The Philippines & in Auckland and unknown-elsewhere .. They couldn't reconnect me via copper - they couldn't transfer my calls to my mobile and they couldn't get my location right until the 4th router. And they couldn't then send a technician to complete the change-over because their sub-contractors were too few and all too busy .. and THEN ... we were all placed on 'Covid-19 LOCK-DOWN' plus a STATE OF EMERGENCY (Martial Law).

- I got yet another call once again postponing my fibre connection for a further 30 days and when I protested with a laugh that my age & heart condition suggested that I might be moving-on before I had a landline again - the nice kiwi girl took emergency action and a contractor/technician tapped on my door only 75 minutes later ..  hopefully FIXED and connected the next day after MORE phone calls and "on-hold" awful recorded music. Phwww.
I LIKE Optical Fibre:

This is a fine example of government Corporatization and Efficiency policy over the previous old-fashioned state service.
You will have experienced a similar government INCOMPETENCE - where your "representatives" ignore the community's basic needs for FOOD SECURITY,  HEALTH services, LAW enforcement, EDUCATION, and SOCIAL SERVICES (like old-age pensions.

 - Did you observe & protest it?
 - Have you noted that Jacinda plans to BORROW some Ten Billion Dollars for COVID-19 ? .. Paying it back sometime .. ?

Many Many New Zealand hospitals are freshly reported by ASMS as rotting piles of failing buildings that need urgent replacement  .. right now when we have an emergency pandemic ..

"That the negligence has been so bad that an estimated $14 billion ($9.2 billion requiring Crown funding) is needed over the next 10 years to put things right reflects not only poor DHB oversight and accountability but also a poor duty of care and a head-in-the-sand mentality at government level."

- Actually "incompetence" is being kind because "CORRUPTION" better describes the behaviour by those we pay to serve us.

"Small Government" - "Austerity" - "Free Market" - "Trade Enhancement" - "Low Taxation Environment" -"Efficient Competition" - "The Gig Economy" ..  ..

- Call it whatever is fashionable. but the reality is that these leaders have diverted more and more of your earnings away from the proper purposes of national management - into the bank accounts of their wealthy mates. This diversion of your tax stream flows down hidden channels into the hands of the corporations and millionaires who themselves pay less & less tax from their tax havens.

The tens of millions they wasted on our recent NZ GUN 'BUY BACK' of freshly PROHIBITED firearms - seriously wasteful as it is - is small beer in government spending.
Bent - that's Fixed It ..

Just how badly underfunded, under prepared and uncoordinated our NZ government is for this life-or-death battle with a new virus - depends on how much of our tax dollars they have misdirected into overseas tax havens ..

Marty K.

& Please Don't Buy  LEVI'S  Jeans .. They Are Sponsoring THE GUN-GRABBERS

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