Saturday 5 October 2019

Rabbit's Feet & Fairies .. Friday 13th 2026:

Isn't it funny how some people want to believe in a load of old nonsense .. crap like santa-claus and ghosts and fairies at the bottom of the garden ..? *

Hunters and shooters who assist here in New Zealand with the control of the European RABBIT ..  are unlikely to be both students of the para-normal for believers and of the Gregorian Calendar "400 year" cycle.
 - But they may do well to note that the year 2026 might possibly experience a huge demand for LUCKY RABBIT'S FEET.


In the imminent year  2026 there will be no less than THREE Friday 13ths.

Traditionally these amulets are meant to be one of the left hind feet of a bunny that was killed in a graveyard - where these subterranean home makers doubtless have been communing with the dead .. and then rear-left amputated with suitable voodoo incantations by a catholic priest on a rainy Friday.

Here is a huge and GREEN export opportunity for God's-own country .. to replace the faux-feet that are generally manufactured in workshops using foam latex and synthetic polymer fur ... with the genuine certifiable charms for Believers.

Yes .. people actually make these things - and presumably they are then still allowed to vote.
Unlucky Rabbit Trying To Hide His Left Rear:

Indeed I would urge all ecologically concerned shooters to examine here the opportunity to include our Possums in this business opportunity .. possum lower legs & feet might be marketed at a premium as "Giant New Zealand TREE RABBIT Lucky Feet"  ..

Believers will believe anything eh.
NZ Police have already declared that exceptions to the semi-auto rifle prohibitions may be forthcoming for specially licensed professional pest controllers ..

Plenty of time to study freeze-drying technology eh ..

 Marty K.
* Of course there was a story about fairies being photographed by two clever young girls in 1917 as proof  that they were real ..
.. and the girls didn't even have a computer or photo-shop app.  Some crooks made lots of money ..

The girls Elsie & Frances later admitted that they had cut-out the fairies from picture books - but there'll still be morons who believe in them eh.


Marty K.
.. I've signed-up to Patreon. - after five years writing now you can send me a wee support - starting from $1 - for all this stuff from exotic New Zealand  .. yes most everything here is indeed EXOTIC .. apart from those interesting native birds eh.

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