Tuesday 18 January 2022

Gun Control Is People Control ..

The populations of the BRITISH parts of the world are being progressively DISARMED while being told that it is for their own good. - It cannot be a coincidence that right now - new ANTI-GUN laws are being enacted in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand that align with United Kingdom's.


When buildings are "raised to the ground" the proper spelling 'RAZED' helps to explain this weirdness - as it means "razored" or CUT to the ground ..

When an English lady climbs up to 'The Downs' for a walk - it isn't as strange as at first hearing because the naming of this chalky high land as The Downs derives from the old English word 'DUN' meaning hills.

- English peasants 'Felling' trees is to cut them down .. but to go 'Fell-walking'  is to climb UP into the bleak northern hills ..

Such anomalous & devious language goes some way to explain how British speaking voters are conditioned to accept so much nonsense "doublespeak" from their lords and masters when spoken in a posh 'Public School '(Private School) accent.

Our unelected Head of State is MONARCH of all she rules - these subjects hold a delusion that they are citizens of a DEMOCRACY  .. while also claiming to be proud to be so royally ruled.

The reputed "Mother of Parliaments" holds some 650 elected MPs while their upper house seats 773 un-elected Lords, Peers, and Barons. - Sounds hardly democratic to me.

If the Palace of Westminster is the "Mother of Parliaments" - what were the Athenian and Roman systems of two and a half thousand years ago? - Even the word 'democracy' comes from the ancient Greek dēmokratia  δημοκρατία.

The BIG LIE (Germangroße Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth, used especially as a propaganda technique. 

The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, to describe the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." 

- Does power corrupt, or are corrupt people drawn to power?

The only people who can stop this corruption is we, the people.

Marty K.


  1. The problem is waking people up to what is being done to them..... it's frustrating.

    1. That is 100% correct Kathryn - I am having that exact issue discussing this with an old friend in UK .. He is old & wise generally but totally brainwashed in certain areas such as private firearms ownership, Royalty, & "the British way of doing things" - having been repeatedly assured that their way is right and superior to any other .. to the extent of mocking all other possibilities.
