Saturday 29 September 2018

NZ Murder Rate:

1959 was a good year .. an excellent year in fact - as NO ONE was murdered here in New Zealand.

Police have just published a table recording the statistics from 1926 to 2017 and are pleased with the strongly downward trending murder rate for the last 35 years since 1982.

- You can view Police comments on these figures here:

Some sad details are that around 75% of homicide victims are Maori.
 - And around 20% of victims are 'ex-partners' .. of whom 75% were females.

I can't comment as I know only what I'm told ..

Facts are interesting things as they often can be used to support conflicting interpretations and opinions.

- The most telling related FACT that I've noted recently is that violent crime in the UK is more than FOUR TIMES HIGHER than in "gun crazed USA".



UK:                 2,034.
New Zealand: 1,400. <~ That's surprising eh.
USA:                 466.

Correct  - These data suggest Violent crime in New Zealand - while considerably less than UK - is more than THREE TIMES higher than America.

Population Density - especially over-crowding into cities is a huge factor in violent crime.

Note:  Comparison of crime figures from different countries is problematic due to varying definitions & methods of recording.

Perhaps the answer is MORE guns?

Marty K.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

32 ACP & 32 Rimmed - Mighty Mouse Guns:

 - I'm getting bored with dumb****s going-on about "mouseguns" and saying that "if it doesn't begin with 'forty' it's too small". - Lately it seems to be widely fashionable (like "reality" TV) for HACK writers to copy terms like "mediocre" and "soft-loaded" when discounting the .32" acp. as a suitable self-defense arm.
- A second complaint would be that so many "experts" only start their caliber comparisons at .380" ACP ... totally ignoring the 'Thirty-Twos' (7.65x17 mm Browning) - .25"acp and the "Two-Twos" and .22" MAGNUM  - (but include the 44 Magnum bear-blaster).

 - I guess that when you combine stupidity with deliberate ignorance - the results may be, as expected both laughable and ridiculous.

If you watch these (linked) gelatin tests on the 32 ACP ..

I doubt anyone with an IQ higher than a small snail-like-creature would volunteer to catch such projectile in their teeth. Link:
Of course I fully appreciate that ballistic gelatin is only an approximation of a hugely variable range of effect on differing targets .. but the significant (13 inch +) penetration by a tumbling bullet that has no trouble smashing bone should be effective enough to command respect in any patch of dirt.

Here's interesting video testing .32" ACP and .30" Carbine in Ballistic Gelatin from 'Military Arms Channel' . Link:
Xtreme Cavitator 32" Pill.

- As to the argument that "bigger is best" ... sure - no question there about the physics - BUT if you have trouble keeping your rapid fire drilled holes inside a 12 inch target at ten yards .. the fact that they are 45 thousandths of an inch bigger or smaller isn't going to buy you the winning lucky Lotto ticket this week.

(Note: A New York Police Department study showed between 1998 and 2006, their average handgun hit rate was 18 percent for trained officers in a gunfight). - Correct - that's 82% misses.)

- Link to a fascinating Police Report 18 page PDF:  )

The currently available thirty-twos - being fully functional either in autos or revolvers - deliver a wide choice of bullet designs and weights at velocities ranging from 900 ft/sec (32 ACP) to 1,400 ft/sec (327 Fed.Magnum).

The in-vogue but aberrant opinion that these rounds are too small and wimpy - ignores the fact that these .312 inch diameter slugs are exactly the SAME FRONTAL AREA & DIAMETER as Thirty Caliber rifle rounds such as the 30-30, .308, .303 British and the Russian AK 7.62x39 mm rounds. - I know that rifle velocities are way above handgun levels .. BUT ..
- A 7.62x39 AK47 round at 500 yards will only be travelling at handgun muzzle velocity of around 1,000 ft/sec .. same diameter and velocity as this "mouse gun". .. again - any volunteers?

-Some 'Mousegun' eh. - Ruger  SP101 327 Federal Magnum.
(Yes it is a compact SIX shot revolver)

- I politely ask that you consider the surface area of two projectiles from one duplex round fired from my 327 Federal Magnum Ruger SP101 revolver - at around 1,000 feet per second from it's 4.2 inch barrel.

A 327 Magnum round will drop around 6 inches at 100 yards - half that of a .45 ACP (13-18 inches). The 327 Magnum produces similar handgun performance to the 357 Magnum in a tighter package with less recoil - and may be compared ballistically to both the .30 Carbine and the older 32-20 cartridge.

Read all about it:

I'm certainly not suggesting that a .32" handgun round is ever equal to a 30 Caliber rifle round ... but a carry permit holder would find it difficult to shove a bulky .308" SLR  rifle down her trousers.
SLR Battle Rifle .308" - 7.62x51 mm NATO 

 NRA Publications's prestigious Golden Bullseye Award for "Ammo of the Year" (2009) .327 Federal Magnum.

- Time to stop debating 'One Shot Stops' and start thinking & training for bullet placement?

.. I recommend it to the house.

Those Yahoos who seek to proclaim their hairy testosterone surpluses by kicking-up dirt & who love to rattle the roof with a 45,  44 or 357 MAGNUM may scorn the more socially acceptable .32" - but they likely will need hearing-aids and wrist-supports long before reaching their fifties eh.

Have you watched the linked videos? - I'm NOT saying that the 'thirty-twos' are better than 9mms or .40"s or  .45"s ... but the point is - that while the 9x19mm logically has to be "The Best All-Round Caliber"** .. these compact ".32" calibers will do more than enough, in an accurate and controllable manner.

- Those having a more sanguine temperament may be confident that their 'thirty-two' will produce sufficient exsanguination when needed 😁.

“I'd rather argue against a hundred idiots, than have one agree with me.”
Winston Churchill

** 9mm is widely available, - not overpriced, and generally is very controllable in full sized auto. handguns - while for an all-round revolver it would be hard to beat a versatile 357/.38" or a 327 Fed/.32" six-gun.

Marty K.

Friday 21 September 2018

Book: 'With British Snipers To The Reich':

If you're looking for something entertaining and informative to read - try this book by Captain C Shore:

The author served as an officer instructor and knew his stuff. - He set-up his WWII battle sniper schools as close to the front-lines as possible - and then went forward with the trained students to practice their "hunting skills" both on the enemy and on local wildlife for the pot.
Decoy Heads

Often in conflict with British senior officers .. who were believers in massed firepower - he 'retrained' these officers where possible .. to value the economic use of motivated two man marksmen teams.

- Lots of good info about the rifles & small arms from both sides of that era - and the problems of trying to make non-shooting servicemen into proper riflemen.

- A quote about pistol calibers & stopping power:

"One of the most feared weapons, or bullets, during World War II was the Mauser machine pistol, with it's high velocity 7.63 mm cartridge .."

7.63x25 mm .311" / .312" dia. Bullets Driven At 1,450 ft/sec.

- A decent read especially if you have any connection to WWII,

Marty K.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Latest SILENT Weapons - From Russia With Punch:

I am reading that there is a new silent pistol in Russia developed from the PSS . The new model PSS-2 is also using a new iteration of the 'CAPTIVE PISTON' sub-sonic ammunition.
Original PSS With SP-4 Ammunition.

The new PS-16 ammunition is said to have the sharp edged "wedge" or chisel point projectiles to enhance penetration:
7.62x43 mm Captive Piston Ammunition - Has A Wedge or Chisel Shaped Nose.
N.B. this Is A .32" Caliber Weapon.
PSS-2 "SILENT' Pistol
Six Round PS-2 Has No External Safety Switch 
But Uses A Firing Pin Block Combined With A Grip Safety

Cut-Away Drawing 7.62x43mm PS-16 Cartridge. Captive Piston Colored RED

Earlier 7.62x41mm SP-4 Cartridge Sectioned

Silent as opposed to Silenced.
Based ON MTs-116M Rifle
SILENT Big Bore 12.7 mm (.50 Cal.) 
Captive Piston Rifle Cartridge

Reports are arriving that Russia is also using a captive piston cartridge design in a 50 Caliber rifle cartridge for silent sniping:
This is where the new 12.7mm round, (better known as the .50 cal.,) steps in. Of course it’s a huge heavy bullet, associated with heavy machine guns and long-range sniper rifles.
 The bullet weighs about five times as much as a typical .308 bullet - and even at subsonic speed it provides plenty of momentum. The rifle's makers told Russian state newspaper TASS that the new rifle is not only lethal out to 300 meters (985 feet), but at that distance the special subsonic bullet will go through even “high-quality” body armor.
- So how have they made this big bore weapon quiet? In these silent cartridges, the powder gases remain inside the case and a special captive piston is used to push the bullet up the bore. A rifle with such a cartridge does not produce any flame or shot sound. The thing that can be heard is the clattering of moving mechanical parts in the receiver - for example the bolt and striker.
According to the factory representative, the MTs-116 rifle’s silenced large-caliber version is expected to be used by special units mainly in urban conditions. This rifle can stealthily hit an enemy even when wearing good protective gear (a high-class armor vest) at distances of up to 300 meters. The bullet’s large 12.7mm caliber and its high weight compensate for its low speed and retain its destructive effect.
- Coming to a conflict zone near you, shhhhh.
Marty K.

Saturday 15 September 2018

9 MM versus .38" Special:

The second part of this post is an excellent reply from Greg Ellifritz to sensible questions regarding ammo for the 38 SPECIAL for self defense carry. - Greg's experience and thorough research make his answer ( "mirrored" below) well worth reading.
The 38 Special is indeed a good choice of cartridge for general sporting, target, & self-defense purposes - being accurate and manageable without excessive felt recoil.

- However I have seen opinions voiced in various 'COMMENTS' sections that suggest "The bigger 38" is better than the 9 mm Luger round.

 - The 38 Special uses bullets .357" caliber (not .380") while the 9 mm bullets measure .356".. one thousandth of an inch different.

(- The TFB site is great for it's well researched firearms stories ... but a lot of it's readers comments really are puerile & ignorant.) - Further - there's no mention in this post of the M 1911 in .45"ACP or any other caliber! (😍 - well there wasn't.)

- The basic reason for the 38" being bigger/ longer than a 9 mm cartridge is one of old age - the 38" dates back to 1898 - the black powder era - and was designed to run on black powder that converted only about 50% of it's mass into propellant gases. The 38 Special runs a maximum internal pressure of  17,000 psi when compared to the later 'smokeless' 9 mm's   running pressure of  35,000 psi.

The 9 mm Luger (or 9 mm NATO) itself isn't exactly a modern cartridge - it being developed in 1902 - but it was designed for nitro propellant.

These physical facts mean that while both cartridges can largely run the same '35 Cal' diameter & weight pills ... the 'nine' pushes them faster and runs (at twice the pressure) something like TWICE THE MUZZLE ENERGY of the 'thirty-eight'.

A revolver designed for 9 mm could be shorter in both frame and cylinder than a 38 Special (or the even longer .357" Magnum) wheel gun and offers better "knock-down power" when in similar length barrels. - Anything that the standard 38 Special can do .. the 9x19 mm can do better.

Either way - please enjoy reading this from ACTIVE RESPONSE TRAINING:

The Best .38 Special Defensive Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz
 I recently received this question from a reader.  Considering the popularity of the snub nose revolver as a carry pistol, I figured it would be useful if I answered the question in a blog post:
 “I’m looking to pick up a S&W 340PD here soon as a backup or pocket gun to add to my daily carry.  I’m looking for recommendations on carry ammo for it, what ankle holsters to look at and the best way to carry extra ammo (what’s the best speed strips to use)?”
Ammunition– Let’s look at the ammunition question first.  To start out, even if you have a revolver chambered in .357 magnum, I would still recommend carrying .38 spl. ammunition in it.  The .357 magnum’s reputation for excellent stopping power was made in guns with four to six inch barrels.  It loses A LOT of velocity when fired out of a two inch barreled snub.  Take a look at this table.  Then compare the same weight bullet in the .38 spl in this table.  The .357 magnum on average only pushes the bullet out of a short barrel about 100-150 feet per second faster than the same weight bullet fired from a .38 special.
That marginal increase in velocity comes at a heavy cost.  The recoil of the .357 magnum out of a snub is quite excessive.  It creates a horrendous flinch and dramatically slows your followup shots.  If you don’t believe me, watch the video below

….and recognize this is a full size revolver.  The difference is even more dramatic in a snub.My study of handgun stopping power shows that it takes an average of two to three good hits to stop the aggressive action of an attacker, regardless of caliber.  How fast can you get those three hits from a .357 magnum snub?  How fast can you get the hits from a .38 spl. snub?  I really think carrying .38 spl. bullets in your gun is the better choice.  If you don’t trust my opinion, you should probably believe the world’s leading ballistic researcher Dr. Gary Roberts.  He thinks the .38 spl is the way to go as well:
There is no reason to go with .357 mag in a J-frame, as the significantly larger muzzle blast and flash, and harsher recoil of the .357 Magnum does not result in substantially improved terminal performance compared to the more controllable .38 Special bullets when fired from 2” barrels.
 What .38 ammo should you carry?  Let’s start with a bit on handgun ballistics.  Handgun bullets don’t do anything magical.  They simply drill holes.  Bigger and deeper holes increase the chance of hitting a vital organ or causing the bleeding that will eventually render your attacker unconscious.  In general, we want a bullet that will penetrate AT LEAST 12″ of ballistic gelatin to ensure adequate penetration.  We’d also like a bullet that expands to at least 1.5X its original diameter.  Of those two criteria, penetration is more important than expansion.
 The problem that we have is that it’s very hard to create a .38 spl bullet that will both expand and adequately penetrate from a two inch barrel.  Many will expand aggressively, but penetrate only eight to ten inches.  Many more will plug up (especially when clothing is covering the gel) and fail to expand at all.  There are only a few bullets on the market that regularly meet desirable expansion AND penetration characteristics.  Out of all the gelatin tests I’ve seen and participated in, these are the bullets I’ve found to work the best.
 Speer Gold Dot 135 grain Hollowpoint (13.1″ penetration and expansion to .56 in bare gelatin
Winchester Ranger 130 grain Bonded Hollowpoint (12.75″ penetration and expansion to .56 in bare gelatin)
Corbon DPX 110 grain copper Hollowpoint (13″ penetration and expansion to .52 in bare gelatin
  1. Any one of these rounds is likely to be a great performer in your .38 snub.  Pick the one that shoots to the closest point of aim in your revolver.

  2. One other round to consider is the standard pressure 148 grain full wadcutter target round.  It doesn’t expand, but its sharp edge causes significant tissue damage as it pokes a full caliber hole in flesh.  The round penetrates deeply and has very little recoil.  Remember, most commercially available .38 spl defensive loads plug up in clothing and fail to expand.  Expansion isn’t all that critical.  Deep penetration and very little recoil make for a good combination in a snubnose revolver.
  3. Some of the more astute readers may notice that some of the rounds are “+P” and some are standard pressure.  There is some concern about “+P” rounds hastening the wear in older aluminum framed revolvers.  It’s possible, but not likely.  The NYPD firearms training unit ran 5000 rounds through an airweight .38 Smith and Wesson revolver.  There was no measurable wear on the gun.  It did not blow up, shoot out of time, or have the frame stretched by firing the higher pressure rounds.  If concerns about pressure bother you, choose the Cor-Bon or the wadcutter round.  I personally don’t worry about it.  Even in my vintage airweights, I train with standard pressure loads and carry the heavier +P rounds as defensive ammunition.
     Ankle Holsters for the .38 snub– I will happily give my recommendations, but please realize there is a lot of “personal preference” that comes into play when evaluating the relative comfort of any holster (especially one that wraps around your ankle).
  4. I carry a .38 special snub in an ankle holster as a backup gun every single day at my police job.  I use the Alessi ankle holster.  It is expensive, but it’s the highest quality ankle holster I’ve ever found.  I wear the holster around my work boot and find it very comfortable.  If you are going to wear the holster around your bare leg, you might choose one with a little more padding than the Alessi.
     Two other ankle holsters that I can highly recommend are the Galco ankle glove and the DeSantis Die Hard ankle holster.  I’ve carried both extensively and both have performed well.

  5. Spare Ammunition- While speedloaders (or moon clips) will undoubtedly provide the fastest revolver reloads, they don’t allow for “tactical” loading of fewer than an entire cylinder full of rounds.  They are also fairly bulky to carry.  Most people who carry .38 snubs, do so because they don’t expect to need a lot of ammo or a fast reload.  For those folks, (me included) a speed strip will work much better.  The speed strips are a little slower, but carry very flat in a pocket.
  6. Bianchi first invented the speed strip.  Their product is still available and works well, but you are limited to five or six shot versions.  Tuff Products has refined the original design with their Quick Strips.  They make different colors and sizes from five to 10 rounds.  I’ve found the Quick strips to be a little more durable as well.

    I carry an eight round Quick Strip loaded with five rounds as spare ammo for my snub.  You can try it yourself, but I’ve found that having a gap between every two rounds on the strip makes loading much smoother and faster.  I leave one space empty at the end of the strip that I can use as a hand hold if I grab the strip the “wrong way.”  This essentially makes the strip ambidextrous.  I then have two rounds together and a space.  If I need the fastest reload, I’ll load those two and then close the cylinder and resume firing.  If I have more time, I can then load the other three rounds.  Check out the photo for an illustration of what I am saying:
  7. If you want to carry even more spare rounds “speed strip” style, use an SKS stripper clip.  The case head diameter is close enough between the .38 spl and 7.62 x 39mm rounds that the .38 rounds fit perfectly.  Just slide the rounds off the end of the strip one at a time.  You can carry nine or ten rounds of .38 ammo on a single SKS stripper clip that only costs about fifty cents!
     - Thanks Greg
  8. Marty K.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Hi-tech Winchester HYBRID-X 9 MM Bullet:

Projectile design really seems to be getting a lot of  'science' applied to design and manufacture.

This recent release is unproven by time & experience but it seems like an attempt to grab the best of  ideas and to combine all the various features into one concept?

This round has an injection molded fluted copper-polymer nose cap crowning a four-way segmenting lead core all riding in a copper jacket ... (I think I would have considered a non-lead segmenting core).

It starts-out as a 124 grain projectile at 1,225 feet per second muzzle velocity.

.. Possibly related to an earlier Tom Burczynski designed pre-segmented Quik-Shok slug:

Yeah I know that I'm getting old (getting?) - but aren't things becoming overly complicated?

If this stuff ever arrives down here in New Zealand it will likely cost a weeks wages for each box.

.. And you'll still need to achieve optimal bullet placement.

Marty K.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Introducing TAMARRA KEEL:

I've only recently found this gun writer .. so please excuse  me if you've been a fan all along.

Here is an example of her work from the NRA Shooting Illustrated: link:

This personage writes well - has intelligent opinions - she likes 'BIG HEALEY' sports cars - motorbikes - and revolvers .. she shoots well competitively and has four cats .. she writes THREE Blogs.
In 1968 I Paid One Hundred Pounds For My tatty-old 100-6 - & It Did 100mph.

- If I put-up a 'Keel' image you may be distracted - but here she is ...

DON'T look at the eyes .. Don't ..

Here's another sample of her writing .. Link:

Finally - to round-out the picture - I suspect that she might be both a 10 mm and a 327 Federal Magnum fan.

Marty K.

Thursday 6 September 2018

UK's CUMBRIA .. Fissile & Explosive Decay:

The then "largest munitions Factory in the world" - 'HM Factory Gretna' - was built in Cumbria during WWI.  It stretched twelve miles across the Scottish border including GRETNA and was rated as producing 880 tons of cordite per week - all hand mixed by mostly female staff who's hair turned orange (known as "canaries") .. and then they had their gums rot while their teeth fell-out. (Well, Canaries don't have teeth eh).

This WWI complex is still there (under various names) - the Government recently announced it's closure but they then retracted - saying that only the 'non-explosive' building areas were to close.

Typically - the Americans next had to beat the Brits by building their biggest munitions plant in the world - for WWII - in Wisconsin .. The Badger Army Ammunition Plant.

Three of the four 'GRETNA' sites with their bunkers, reservoir and railways are still there and used under various regularly changing military names (CAD Longtown, BAD Eastriggs, MOD Eastriggs .. Central Ammunition Depot or later - Base Ammunition Depot).

- Of course CUMBRIA used to be called Cumberland didn't it ... and that's where SELLAFIELD - that used to be called WINDSCALE - is located - together with the old Calder Hall (Seascale) and the Drigg coastal nuclear dumps.

.. that's right -  Sellafield is where there's all those crumbling concrete cooling tanks filled with who knows what radio-active nasties & sludge - AND that's near where the pommy Government stockpiles it's plutonium reserves - the largest stock of plutonium held by any country in the world  .. 118 tons of the stuff that they think might come in handy one day eh.

.. So that's a 1,000 kilos in a ton and it takes 5-10 kg to make a nuclear bomb .. yeah that's right .. enough to make more than 11,800 nuclear warheads.

This area is THE MOST DANGEROUS & TOXIC PLACE IN THE WORLD .. and experts are hoping that yet to be developed ROBOTS will help clean it up a bit over the next many hundreds of years.

- And some inmates folk living down South at Porton Down near Stonehenge .. are nervous about nerve gas !

- It can't really be too bad in Cumbria - as the Civil Nuclear Constabulary describes it as a great place for families.
The Civil Nuclear Constabulary have built a 14 acre Firearms Training Facility at Sellafield .. to "help them maintain public safety". (- What? .. to protect the public from the Government??)

And there is a great big wind farm 12 miles off the coast there too -
Walney, Cumbria - On A Fine Day -  367.2MW
"And Walney is the newest, biggest and fastest-built jewel in that crown (Cumbria), providing clean power for hundreds of thousands of households."

“And did those feet in ancient time 

Walk upon England’s mountains green? 

And was the holy Lamb of God 

On England’s pleasant pastures seen?

William Blake
1,233 Radioactive Particles Recovered Since 2006.

- Fancy a bit of  surf fishing or a swim?

Marty K.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

APACHE - Deleaxhe (& Commando?) Knuckleduster Revolvers:

There are plenty of articles on the "APACHE" Revolvers with good images - but not all that is written is correct eh ...

This '3-Way' pin-fire revolver was patented in 1869 by Louis Dolne (NOT "a Dolne Brevet") and is recorded as being made by several Belgian producers. - The "Apache" name refers to it's popular use by criminal gang members in France known by that name. (- It was a sort of 'Leatherman' or 'Victorinox' MULTI-TOOL for mobsters eh.) (Incidentally - the Stanley 84-519K multi-tool is said to be great value @ around $10).

Mostly brass framed these six chambered PEPPERBOX revolvers were usually in 5 mm pin-fire but 7 mm caliber is recorded - as are iron framed versions.

As often happens - Ian McCollum of FORGOTTEN WEAPONS has done an excellent video show'n'tell .. clear & without any crappy music: Link:

Watch Ian and you're on your way to being knowledgeable. These are Double-Action and I've read that around 7,000 were built.

This next image of an "Apache" type is a non-folding iteration made by 'DELEAXHE' and doesn't have much history. Dated from around 1870 - caliber 7 mm - that's all I've got other than it was described on an auction site as rare & "rim-fire".?

Several stories written about the Apache Revolvers talk about a WWII British Commando version in 9x19 mm caliber .. - I did find on WIKIA these images described as a single prototype built at RSAF Enfield - being a double-action six shot revolver - Titled DD(E) 3313
That's all I have. DD(E) 3313.

Now - while looking at mysterious firearms ....
This Pen Gun is described as 12 mm caliber and as (maybe) being a rare OSS special from WWII.

- however - Guns International.Com have the following description:
"Rare Colt T-12 Miniature Pen Gun. We have heard varying reports to what the real story of these are. This is a 12 caliber single shot Pen gun with blued finish in mint condition. It comes in a two piece box with the Colt logo and has U.S. Property mark. One story we heard was this was a prototype used for some sort of spyanization. The more believable story is this was a novelty item made by John Sutherland in the 1950s or 1960s. Who knows, it could have been a combination of the stories? In any case, this is a rare piece with only a handful known!"

Either way - they show a guide price of $3,500. 😙 .. but - there seems to be linkage with the Mk 79 Mod 0 Military Flare Gun - examples of which sell for a hundred times less than that price:

Marty K.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Gila Hayes's "5 X 5" Handgun Shooting Drill:

5 X 5

I owe thanks to the professional trainers who have noted this easy drill as a significant exercise for all pistol shooters.

"Invented" by Gila Hayes - the writer of Personal Defense for Women. - 'collected' by Claude Werner of USCCA - who passed it on to Greg Ellifritz of 'Active Response Training' (& now blogged by me).


It's a very simple test that is real easy to remember and quick to set-up ..

Fire 5 shots into a 5 inch circle at 5 yards in 5 seconds .. you can convert the TEST into a training exercise by doing it 5 times.

Those very experienced folk judge that this is a reasonable minimum standard to be expected of anyone thinking about defensive handgun use.

"IT" really is ALL ABOUT bullet placement. - Every firearm should be simple to operate, 100% reliable - and accurate. It should be chambered for a cartridge sufficient for its purpose that you can control.

.. You truly cannot miss fast enough to win .. and the blast & roar of a magnum may well damage your hearing - but the rounds need to hit in the target down range.

Your results may be confirmational or aspirational  eh ..

The matter of which gun you use or what caliber ... it's between you - a shot timer - and the inside of your head.

Here's a little-bitty Quiz Question for you:

Did you know that the same man who designed the AR15 rifle also designed the Ruger Mini-14 ?

Leroy James Sullivan aka Jim Sullivan is the man.

  (NO - Eugene Stoner designed the AR-10 'parent rifle'.)

- Check it out:

Marty K.

Ahh - I learned a new word today .. 'EXSANGUINATION'   ... no doubt I'll be practicing using exsanguination at every opportunity. 😁.