That's an awful word to spell correctly .. diarrhea
or even better, - how about 'HEXANITROHEXAAZAISOWURZITANE' .. but, for convenience - the lads at China Lake call this one CL-20.
RED and GREEN go SO well together, don't you find?
John Lennon is reputed to have written "Life is what happens while you're planning something else"
I'm all in favour of sensible grown adult shooters mixing three basic ingredients together to make small amounts of antique propellant 'Black Powder' to use carefully and safely in muzzle loading guns - but ..
Pissing about with explosives is not a good idea .. hexamethylene triperoxide diamine HMTD for short - is an unstable primary explosive that is popular with suicide bombers because it is fairly easy to make - but it tends to blow unexpectedly .. which naturally may be of some little consequence, as once these persons have decided to end it all by suicide, the timing should not be all that important eh
Anyone who feels they need to develop and make explosives should study so well as to qualify for University and get their 'Masters' in Organic Chemistry before trying to cook-up a storm in a properly designed facility, while wearing PPE..
Now, as I've never had an original thought in my life, I will adjust Lennon's lyrics to read "DEATH is what happens when you may be planning something else"
China Lake is a Naval Air Base located in California's Mojave Desert - where they develop and test explosive warheads as efficient Weapons of Mass Destruction - to bring freedom, democracy, and the American Way of Life to mostly brown and black skinned people who have resources such as oil and minerals.
RNZ National are reporting that NZDF are taking part in drone development and testing in the Mojave Desert - to maintain our position with current military technology. That's nice eh.
China Lake is roughly equidistant between Los Angeles and Las Vegas as the crow flies, which it can’t, because the air space is restricted. - It gets hot there, and there are lots of Native American petroglyphs that you can make an appointment to visit - IF you are an American citizen. - there are no longer lots of Native Americans there. They blow up lots of shit there .. but they do try to do it ecologically & quietly.
Missiles, Bombs, Drones, & Loitering munitions, are meant to explode - but this next image is EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE on that Navy Base.China Lake is a U S Navy Air Base - so there might possibly be a U S Air Force Harbour and Shipyard, - a U S Army Mission & Cathedral in The Vatican, and a U S Coastguard Space Port on the dark side of the Moon. - With some 800 U S military bases they could be anywhere (complete with explosives).Marty K.