Wednesday 19 June 2019

Collapse Of NZ Law & Order:

Civilization is said to be fragile .. and a murderous racist maniac proved that this is indeed so - on March 15th in Christchurch.

The New Zealand Police who's accepted purpose is to protect the person and their property seem to have abandoned that role.

We who paid fees to obtain Firearms Licences have been made into criminals at the stroke of a pen - and our lawfully owned sporting rifles are now ordered to be surrendered & destroyed with some insulting compensation based on a reduced percentage of the wholesale cost - not retail as paid.
An Earlier Labour Government Payed $680 MILLION for Light Armoured Vehicles.

The New Zealand Police intend to engage part-time and retired military personnel to remove once legally held property from licensed firearms users. - Look alert farmers and hunters - when that armored military transport rumbles up your track they may be coming to remove your valuables .. not to protect them.

Police have long suggested that if a gun owner is the victim of a theft - the VICTIM may be prosecuted for failure of their security .. as well as possibly the thief. - Licensed firearms owners might well be advised that should any of their recently declared illegal guns go missing .. they carefully preserve the evidence of theft for the police report.

Police repeatedly state that self defense is not justification for possession of arms while themselves carrying arms "just in case". - They have stated repeatedly that our citizens right to possess arms is not a right .. but a PRIVILEGE.

Our current Government has seen fit to negate the respected New Zealand Firearms Licence system and Endorsement of FIT AND PROPER PERSONS by employing temporarily engaged unqualified persons to confiscate our valuable and now prohibited items.

"Collection events open soon for banned firearms "
Police want people with prohibited firearms to hand them in during the amnesty and buy-back period at collection events as part of new legislation amending firearms laws.

All firearms owners need to ensure that they are constantly careful and alert for any attempts by criminals to steal and abuse-misuse their property.

Marty K.

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