Friday 22 January 2021

Thirty Years Ago 'We' Spent 60 Billion on War in Iraq & Kuwait:

 - Thirty years ago January-February 1991.

- Don't ask me about the rights & wrongs of the First Gulf War .. but tens of thousands of deaths resulted and 700 oil wells burned for months in Kuwait causing massive pollution.

- You might just say "It was all about oil (and money)" and that would be true - but Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussain was a U S pet dog for many years and was well armed & supported by them until he turned and bit the hand that fed him. Of course U S President George W H Bush and the Bush family's Harken Energy was deeply involved in Kuwaiti Oil and weren't very happy about Saddam's invasion of Kuwait - despite off-loading their investments in advance .. You can read all about the involved Bush fortunes here:

The USA persuaded a coalition of 35 nations to spend some 60 Billion Dollars on it all .. but I don't think any of them were particularly pleased about the results .. Yup WE were there:

NZ RNZAF No. 40 Squadron at Riyadh 1991

- The Second Gulf War started in 2003 with the invasion of Iraq & was a much deadlier affair .. but U S arranged things so as to clear-out much of their ordnance from stores of time-expired stock - and US Army 1st Mechanized Infantry Division used bulldozer blades mounted on tanks to bury alive thousands of Iraqi soldiers.

I'm not going to attempt to explain or excuse any of this very complex warfare .. Google it yourself.

Perhaps we earned a Discount on our refined oil prices for a while .. However the News says that the Suicide Bombers are out and active AGAIN in Beirut Lebanon after a three year absence. - These fanatics must believe that they have a cause worth killing and dying for?

I know that I am 'laboring the point' somewhat - but it needs to be said that all this killing, maiming, - sickness and the destruction of civilized living in Kuwait & Iraq was instigated by "Democratic" GOVERNMENTS .. NOT by the lawfully owned firearms of civilians who are being harassed to surrender their previously lawfully held guns..

The real but unstated purpose for governments restricting civilian gun ownership is to render their populations defenseless and passive against State power. - Gun Bans have nothing to do with 'gun crime' as it is a fact that as many crimes are stopped by U S armed citizens as are committed by the criminal classes.

COLFO is a body that represents NZ shooting and collecting ORGANIZATIONS .. you as an individual cannot join COLFO as a member.

You can & should become a member of  SSANZ as a caring Licensed Firearms Owner.

Marty K.

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