"Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon .. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway."
There are some folk who believe in 'knock-down power' & 'stopping power' with much the same fervor that they believe in god, heaven and hell. - I too have a strong religious belief. - I believe that when you are dead .. you are dead. When I leave, I'll be a long time gone.
- Just to clarify matters for any of you who think that the heading is a 'sexual' reference .. a WAD is a disc of felt, card or wax used to separate the powder charge from the load of shot or ball that is often lubricated.
"Full" Wadcutter bullets are blunt-ended cylindrical lead projectiles that are designed to cut a neat clean full-bore hole in paper targets to make the process of scoring in precision pistol competitions easier ..
NOW .. just to introduce the world of geometry into things (were you off school that day?) a SPHERE being the hardest of shapes to deform, may well pass down a gun barrel - through the air - through a flexible mass - and exit, to pass onwards into infinity - fully expecting to remain ball shaped and unchanged by life - as stuff moves aside to permit it's passing .. only to return elastically. - If you smooth the hole left in a paper target by round-nosed hardball with your finger from the rear .. you can put the edges right-back where they started.
These are Hornady .358" cold swaged 'hollow-based' 148 grain HBWC - knurled & dry-lubed ..
"WADCUTTER" bullets are so named because they cut a clean circular disc or WAD from the paper targets .. the first record of this use dates from 1900 ish - but it was soon noticed that this was also a very effective design for self defense in the smaller carry-guns at moderate close contact ranges.
These pills are good because they cut a clean full diameter hole - because the full length of the projectile rides down the barrel-bore engaging efficiently with the rifling spin to enhance ACCURACY - because the hollow-base expands to "obturate" tightly into variable bores, - because the moderate muzzle velocities achieved from handy pistols prevents bore-leading, - And because the lousy un-aerodynamic shape is not an issue at handgun ranges generally below fifty meters.
Low recoiling, - Accurate and Easy to shoot ..
In 1975 An Evaluation of Police Handgun Ammunition by the U S Dept. of Justice measured 38 Caliber wadcutters as being THREE TIMES AS EFFECTIVE as 38 Round Nose 158 grain. bullets in "wounding power".
NOW .. I have read an "expert" claim that these are no good for self defense because they don't expand .. well all you need to do is fire some into ballistic Gel. or Plasticine and recover the slug to see that even at modest low velocity from an obsolete 38 S&W caliber revolver .. SOFT LEAD expands somewhat & may well tumble (yaw) after impact ..
The hollow base in these lead wadcutters L.HBWC is much like that in the MINIE BALL ..
The hollow base of the wadcutter further stabilises the projectile by making it front heavy.
ReplyDeleteFor the same reason Minié ball actually goes better than spherical ball out of smoothbore muskets.
Say ... why do pistols have rifling?
Hi Peter - Yes that question has crossed my synapse a few times too .. 'Shotgun' pistols are unlawful in U S for sure but for typical handgun ranges - rifling may be less critical eh.