Saturday 30 April 2022


 Back in 'The Old Days' of the nineties .. when I was active as a licensed gun enthusiast and Dealer - having a NZ Firearms License was an indicator of quality & trustworthiness - perhaps even 'status' as a high quality law abiding citizen. - Maybe "Worthy" covers the value of that Government awarded License - that you had to attend training courses and pass tests to be considered 'fit & proper' to hold.

Where I had once been welcomed into the innermost Armories, Control Centers, and Firing Ranges in both New Zealand and Canberra - they now seek every opportunity to cancel licenses - and want to strip bare my costly certified home security.

Currently the value of a F.Lic. has been entirely reversed in the eyes of our government and their Police Service. - Lawful Firearms owners are now regarded as PARIAH DOGS in our society - to be kicked and stoned with regulations designed to repulse and drive us away as unwanted by management.

Conversely - the obsessive & avaricious millionaires are now upheld as saintly examples and exemplars to be admired and valued in their glory as the very pinnacles of humanity with power and success.

The reality of their accumulated wealth is money lending as 'bankers' - 'take-overs', - tax avoidance through loopholes, - and the use of computer algorithms to skim-off further takings from the nation, being a resource to feed their obsessive greed mentality.

We seem to be living in an era of CORRUPTION being presented as excellence by the millionaire controlled MEDIA.

There needs to be a complete 're-set' of the rules smothering our lives - and a return to more straight forward LAW that respects our RIGHTS and THE TRUTH.

One starting point would be the ending of "Parliamentary Privilege" that protects the liars.

- Then the founding of an Upper House CITIZENS ASSEMBLY - peopled for limited single terms - by SORTITION . This was called DEMOCRACY by the Ancient Athenians.

It's up to YOU,

Marty K.

1 comment:

  1. Yep... that's what we have and that's also a good start to correcting it. First step is to get rid of this frightful administration that so bedevils us today. Three more years of that and NZ is finished as a first world country (we are barely that even now)...
