Wednesday 10 May 2023

73 Genders - GUNS - Old Soldiers :

My father died in a ditch aged 50. This greatly upset Mum and she tried to keep it as quiet as possible.


"Gun Control"?

When a mansion in a walled estate becomes too restrictive - move out and buy an island. - When an island becomes restrictive - buy a whole country. - If the planet becomes too small .. conquer space ..

Gun Control used to be making sure you hit your target .. now it's about making us helpless.

Badge Of The Irish Guards.

Dad was a rural Co. Wicklow Irishman who left home at 15 with a ticket to London and 'Half a Crown' in his pocket. After working at various jobs he volunteered for the British Army Irish Guards Regiment in 1938 and then Numbers 1 & 2 Commandos - where he served almost eight years throughout WW2 until 'demob' in 1945.

Twenty years later he and Mum were on holiday with her sister at Parson Drove and they were walking up the lane to catch the bus into Wisbech when Dad said "You girls go on ahead I just want to have a word with this feller." ... talking away as they walked on - until "where's he got to?"

They found him collapsed into the Fenland roadside dyke - dead from a final heart attack. - When he died aged 50 he was the Station Master at the busiest station on the whole London Transport network BAKER STREET.

- He said that to volunteer for special duties in the Commandos had been the only way to get away from the poofy public-school Guards officers.

I think he was a believer - as another story he told, was while advancing up a road in Italy they were attacked by a Stuka Dive Bomber and while running for cover - one swaddy cried 
"What shall we do Corp?" - Dad instructed "Pray You C#nt - PRAY".

Many of Dad's family may be found in the graveyard at one of the seven old churches in Glendalough Wicklow.

There are now apparently 73 genders - plus "Furries" as opposed to only male and female, in our fashionable non-binary society.

- Our Billionaire 'leaders' need to be reminded that they too will eventually end-up in wooden boxes.

Marty K.

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