Sunday 17 September 2023

Royal African Slaves For Guns:

 'The Royal African Company' was founded in 1660 by the English Duke of York - Charles II's brother - and the City of London Merchants, to trade the West African coast. They were 60 years late to the game after the East India Company had started their lark in India in 1600 - but they soon got it nicely sorted .. This foul Corporate Business operated continuously under various Brands until 1821.

They traded bales of cloth, Guns, and Gunpowder with coastal tribes for African gold, silver, ivory, and SLAVES from the interior. - In the 1680's they were transporting more than 5,000 slaves every year proudly hot-iron branded 'DoY' for "Duke of York".
An alternative branding - used on the chest was 'RAC' for "Royal African Company".

- Between 1672 and 1731, the Royal African Company transported 187,697 enslaved people on company-owned ships (653 voyages) to the English colonies in the Americas. Of those transported - 38,497 enslaved people died en route. - Yes they kept accurate accounts records.

I expect that 'the hard of thinking' might be tempted to blame this Royal triangular trade system on the guns that were used by the slavers - while ignoring the ships used .. bales of cotton, or the iron manacles used - or the branding irons and whips etc. BAN THE GUNS .. Factually this despicable business was run by Protestant ROYAL English Christians to enhance their wealth and power and to multiply their landed estates - many remain affluent to this day.

The truly amazing reality is that we still bow before these people and call them YOUR MAJESTY  or Your Highness while paying some 800 of their elite mates & relatives, large salaries with subsidised booze, to loll about in fancy dress in THE HOUSE OF LORDS of the London Palace of Westminster.

But don't let the facts disturb you eh.

I imagine you could sack them all and charge a decent entrance fee to tour the decadent House Of Lords, as a Tourist Attraction and help pay for that buildings maintenance.

This Person has reportedly "performed duties" 
on seven weeks of this year

German 8 SHOT Matchlock Dated From circa 1580 ..

I generally try to write-in a joke or sprinkle some light hearted comment around - but this history of heartless greed and inhumaniity by the British royals and the 'City Of London' Financial Center leaves no space for humour ... unless of-course you can think of something.

Marty K.

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