Wednesday 24 January 2024

You need good TIMING ..

Sadly I am reminded today that it is two years since MIKE LODER died and we lost a fine NZ spokesperson and advocate of lawful shooters rights:

I am SO frigging bored with taking my original five inch '1849 Pocket' apart .. all those fiddly little screws diving into the dust under the coffee table - Maybe I am making progress, as the revolver does everything right - three clicks that "spell Colt"😏 (C.Z.C (CZColt)until I refit the cylinder. Then it locks solid. This maybe seems to be because the hand is trying to revolve the cylinder, while it is still locked, before the bolt drops .. because it is too long?

Should I shorten the hand until the bolt can withdraw or will it then not fully rotate the cylinder?

I need a Colt expert .. here NOW would be good.

"Snapper" from snafu on Youtube in America .. who also likes expensive old Colt rust that goes boom - confirms that the hand may be too long .. or it could be a malfunction-disconnect of the 'spring-leg' of the 'bolt' - hammer-cam interface .. or ...

It all seemed to function somehow before I stripped it and cleaned-out two squashed dead percussion caps and some gritty black'n'greasy stuff. - I admit that I have deburred various bits and oiled it and have done much thinking - so likely it is all my fault (.. as my ex would say).

 - I never had this trouble with any of my Glocks.

May I introduce you to Mr.'Old Ranger' - clicking his Colt's notches in public ..

My latest disaster is that the three wee SCREWS holding the TriggerGuard in place and thus working against the Mainspring Pressure via the Backstrap, are NOT holding - being corroded & worn-out I guess.

Where to go from here? New screws that are longer and full diameter from somewhere ?? I'm exhausted, depressed & perplexed.

Latest news from the Middle East Israeli ethnic cleansing slaughter (25,000 dead Palestineans so far) of Gaza is - that we, New Zealand are sending half of our trained Army "Defence Forces' .. SIX soldiers - to help U S attack Yemeni forces - to stop them from slowing the re-supply of IDF prison guards, who are running-out of 2,000 pound bombs & other ordnance.

'Your country, oops - America needs you' - all six.

Good Luck with that men .. (women & non-binary others included naturally). Where are our SAS ?.

NZ should return BlackRock's 2 Billion Dollars NZ green investment - as they will need it for their "Reconstruction of Ukraine" .. whatever is left of it.

Marty K.

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