Wednesday 11 September 2024

Press - Police - & Black-Powder Parlor Pistols:

"We removed some content or messages .. your Post" - so I've altered the title ..

Most public 'news' services - the bloody  'Presstitutes' - seem to be ignoring how close the world stands to a nuclear war catastrophe right now .. naturally it might not happen .. But imagine how terrified the academic members of Gun Control New Zealand will be if they discover that they are now survivors alone and unarmed on a remote undefendable island with no oil - no power - no survival tools & no takeaway food. - Neither New Zealand's English King or Maori Queen will be offering any help when stuff gets a bit basic ..


- Most experts state that between 1860-63 - around 200 of these 'Derringer' type "Parlour Pistols" were sold by Remington .. 

These wee guns were bored .177" (4.5 mm) caliber and fired a lead ball driven ONLY by the gasses produced from a copper Percussion Cap.

Note: - I spent time researching WHY the .177" is generally the smallest gun bore and how & when it came to be so - but there's absolute confusion .. I GIVE UP.

Reproductions of this antique design are available from that excellent Italian manufacturer Pedersoli that may be bought and shot for sport in USA and other countries having a sane approach to guns and their use. - they are small with an overall length just over 12 cm. (4.75 inches) - What we are talking about here is 'CAP GUNS' that every kid used to run around bomb sites & gardens pretending to be a cowboy, back in the day when we had fun outdoors instead of ruining our eyesight & mental health by staring at a screen ..

After dinner entertainment used to be civilized in the olden days with targets hung before heavy curtain material or mounted in front of an unused brick lined fireplace .. not too noisy or smokey when shot with no black powder propellant,-  the tiny lead balls would manage velocities of around 300 feet per second - but some online correspondents have added a few grains of the mixture behind their projectile to hop them up, with some loss of accuracy while claiming up to 800 ft/sec velocities.

It likely would be a total waste of time to even think about importing these reproduction Cap Guns into New Zealand under our current Police State Rules - as for example they are demanding that fully licenced & Endorsed Target Pistol shooters must join an approved & separate 'Soft Air Club' before they can buy a plastic pellet gun.

Criminal Gangs are out of control while making huge profits dealing in illegal drugs and guns .. so our Police respond by oppressing and restricting the most law abiding section of NZ Society .. Licensed Firearms owners ..

However .. elsewhere it would be an easy conversion to fit a .177" sleeve (caliber converter) into a 'Pocket Pistol' such as a Liegi Pedersoli or even a clapped-out original barrel - for some harmless indoor fun ..

The U S importers would likely be pleased to supply a spare barrel in exchange for a few dollars cash.
- All you'd then need is an old air rifle, hacksaw and access to a lathe to generate your own Parlour Pistol.


A Question of Law:
New Zealand Police Service heirarchy are on the record for stating that a genuine old 'gun' built before the end of 1898 - not capable of firing a 'self contained cartridge' and not being a copy or reproduction, may be owned as an "Antique" but not loaded and not shot.

Now - earlier this year I bought a large antique Flintlock Pistol  (one of two 'Ottoman Empire antiques) that was loaded - from an antique dealer who in his turn, got the gun from a "deceased estate" - and subsequently I wrote about it ..

No criminal offence has been charged - nor should there be - by NZ Police Service.

- Are you having a laugh? 
- Is 'NZ Firearms Law an Ass'? - Don't answer that ..

I seriously suggest that the path towards logical and effective Firearms Legislation here would be to require ALL Serving Police officers to obtain and maintain their New Zealand endorsed Firearms Licence under exactly the same conditions and regulations imposed by them on other law abiding citizens.

Marty K.

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