I've been looking at SHOT SHOW 2025 reports for any news of innovative developments in small arms for the future .. ..
Well that was a waste of time eh.
- Except there is one interesting, high capacity, .22 small caliber STRIPPER feed semi-auto pistol from Kel-Tec chambered in 5.7x28mm. - TWENTY ROUNDS CAPACITY.
Restricted Magazine Capacity? - try NO Magazine For Size ..
Maybe that's not the point - as the PR57 is a very slim .94 inch and lightweight carry gun. That's under an inch wide versus a Glock 19 at over an inch and a quarter - that could prove popular in USA .. but that cartridge - which is now a NATO approved Personal Defence Weapon PDW standard round, - designed to replace the 9x19 pistol caliber, is also interesting.
Bottle Necked cartridges are said to FEED more reliably ..
The 5.7x28mm is around a THIRD smaller and lighter than the 9mm NATO cartridge which is a factor in military considerations. - Military Generals want their operatives to be able to carry as many rounds as possible to achieve MAXIMUM KILL RATE (MKR) under all circumstances.
- This 'Two-Two' center fire round pushes it's bullets well above 2,000 ft per sec .. say from 2,300 to 2,800 feet per second with less recoil, - which is nice - but with horrific LOUD REPORT & MUZZLE FLASH.
- Should be great for Hearing Aid sales and incapacity benefits .. You'd have to be a loony to shoot one of these things without an auto-darkening welding screen and both earplugs AND ear defenders clamped on your skull.
A very nasty little cartridge for nasty applications .. that apparantly is being increasingly adopted by U S Police Departments.
The projectiles TUMBLE in soft tissue while rapidly dumping energy - thus helping solve over penetration issues in crowded 'hoods.
Is this the future?
- Or some enterprising maker needs to introduce a more pistol friendly 5.7x28mm cartridge with less powder wasting blast and maybe heavier, blunter pills ..
Marty K.
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