Saturday, 8 March 2025

I Don't Like Being Lied To ..

 I Don't Like Being Lied to .. especially by governments

"All we want is the facts ma'am." - Famous words from 'Joe Friday' as a LAPD detective, who carried a S&W Model 10 snub-nosed 38 revolver in the 'DRAGNET' TV series. 

I gave up watching "free-to-air" TV about 15 years ago .. because I don't like having my head messed with by advertising and 'spin'

- I do still own a TV - but have not turned it on in all those years except to see recorded movies & top-line series, such as Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad.

Repeat: I don't like being lied to ..

"FREE TO AIR T.V" is NOT free. - All that damn advertising costs us heaps every damn time it interrupts the content, every damn 10 minutes and WE pay for it every damn time we buy anything at the supermarket where the product is priced to add the manufacturers marketing costs, the advertising agency's profits, the retail outlet's mark-ups, and all the other corporate add-ons.

That constant repetition of the same adverts - over'n'over - is hammering their message into our brains in a psychologicaly planned technique called conditioning or 'Brain-Washing'.

The so called 'News' episodes are mostly opinion breaks (propaganda) - chatty discussion breaks - between the advertising breaks. Now even their "frontline footage" can be shaped and AI generated in a studio, to insert the narrative, and increase profits. - I don't like being lied to ..

Fact: Since Capital Punishment was ceased - the Murder Rate has increased and is many times greater than before. - Exactly how much greater is hard to assess as definitions of murder have been changed and statistics 'adjusted'.

Fact: We are told NOT to hold law abiding Muslims as being in any way responsible for the terrorist acts of a few fanatics - While ALL of we legally licensed gun owners are punished and restricted for the actions of a few violent nutters and killers.

Fact: There are 350 Million people in 'democratic' USA - yet ONE (weird) man -  narrowly elected as President can completely reverse and change policies by presidential decree.

Fact: "Alternative Facts" are not facts - They are lies.

Fact: This is not 'my opinion' .. This is FACT.

I am a pacifist. 

I am a lifelong gun owner and law abiding hunter & shooter.

The British Government taught me how to shoot as a 14 year old in 1958, on the school range, in the Combined Cadet Force.

I am totally opposed to the mass killings of Government warfare and their Weapons of Mass Destruction.

I fully support Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty - for all proven murderers and war criminals. - Evil Killers should be erased from society.

Marty K.

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