Saturday 14 September 2019

CRAPPERS In This Life:

A 5 MILLION POUND 18 karat CRAPPER has been stolen:

Edward Spencer-Churchill, the founder of the Blenheim Art Foundation, told newspapers ahead of its installation: "Despite being born with a silver spoon in my mouth I have never had a shit on a golden toilet, so I look forward to it."

Now It would be misleading to claim that this dunny was seriously commissioned by some super-rich nutcase like Donnie Trump to do his business on .. BUT neither is this solid gold throne of any benefit to man or womankind. (unless they are caught "short").

I'd opine that such "art" is just another example of the excessively rich & powerful demonstrating the 'trickle-down' theory .. that makes clear the total stupidity of all those deluded peasant slugs who stand in line to cheer and gasp in awe at their masters.

Surely - by now - Everyone with an IQ above 50 MUST realize that the "establishment" exists for it's own pleasure, and for it's purely selfish desires to stroke itself at every opportunity.

You really can't believe a word that they tell you - as they will either be deliberately lying out of a desire to corrupt the process .. or they will just be so stupidly ignorant of we peasants struggles to survive - as to naturally and simply be wrong.

Something inside me hopes that these Blenheim Palace sewer-rats will get away with melting-down this "precious metal" shitter and somehow manage to redistribute it's value downwards .. but I doubt it.

Marty K.
 .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - after five years writing now you can send me a wee support - starting from $1 - for all this stuff from exotic New Zealand  .. yes most everything here is indeed EXOTIC apart from those interesting native birds eh ..  but no solid gold long-drops.

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