Wednesday 17 June 2020

Predators & Prey - Which Firearms Owner Are You?

My oldest friend (who is one day younger than me) - for some time has been affected by leukemia blood cancer.

Our beautiful blue planet teems with layers of animal life - each predating and consuming at different levels ..

We particular primates are currently at the top of the food chain because we used our heads and opposable thumb grip to develop effective tools and weapons to dominate other life.

We people have been around only for some 315,000 years - but there were other forms of Hominidae bashing about for a few millions of years before us.

- So as life grows - matures and dies .. we champion killers that we are ... interrupt that natural progression at the stages when we like the flavour and eat it ..


Cute little bunnies, pheasants - frolicking lambs - placid old dairy cows with all of their male calves - get minced into our Burgers and the chooks get herbed-spiced-battered and steamed into KFC and hot-dogs.

We used even to eat each other - no worries - but now that's a little frowned upon so we just climb-up on each others economic backs pushing the less able back down into the dust to expire from neglect - while our top corporate predators say that they benefit humankind by providing work and sustenance for others .. ignoring that if they hadn't taken control of the resources we'd have helped ourselves as always.

"They" don't want you to own firearms ...

This is a 'dog-eat-dog' world where the biggest apes rule their patch - and if they persuade enough followers they can then take more territory and keep expanding their power base. - The strongest ape in our Pacific Ocean patch of blue has been the U S military who accidentally developed their biggest ever explosive weapon in the Marshall Islands March 1st 1954. - The thermonuclear CASTLE BRAVO was rated at 15 megatons ..
Castle Bravo - the first "Hydrogen" Bomb - surprised it's U S designers by being THREE TIMES MORE POWERFUL than planned .. and it vaporised all the instruments placed around BIKINI ATOLL to measure it.

The exposure to fallout has been linked to increase the likelihood of several types of cancer such as leukemia and thyroid cancer

The Castle Bravo fall-out spread radioactive material as far as Australia, India and Japan, and even to the United States and parts of Europe. - Though organised as a secret test - Castle Bravo quickly became an international incident, prompting calls for a ban on the atmospheric testing of thermonuclear devices.

At that time the U S Navy tanker Patapasco was slow moving away from Bikini - returning to Pearl Harbour with a faulty engine - and it caught very high levels of radioactive fallout debris.

 On March 1 1954 Mick & I were 'nearly' ten years old with very fast - much used pedal bikes.

On July 9 1962 U S launched a nuclear missile STARFISH-PRIME from Johnston Atoll carrying a thermonuclear warhead into space - that when detonated damaged electronic equipment in New Zealand  & Hawaii as well as knocking-out half a dozen satellites.
U S Military Wanted To See What Would Happen:

Please remember that more than ten rounds in a .22" rabbit rifle is now PROHIBITED in NZ.

Weapons PROHIBITED - For Whom?

55 Million Chickens are eaten EVERY DAY:
Pork? maybe 200,000 Million metric tonnes a year ..

Ask the folk of Southern Uta and Nevada - down wind of the Las Vegas test site - what happened to their sheep. - Some 2 Billion Dollars compensation has so far been paid to radiation victims of the Nevada Test Site.
But ... the next hot product coming soon to your friendly local Supermarket is 'CULTURED MEAT' produced in factories using tissue engineering in bubbling vats of warm slurry - embryonic stem cells plus myoblasts grown in a tasty culture medium - Umm um - no animals means no bones eh .. medium rare or well done?

- Military people developed the nuclear weapons of mass destruction .. and they taught me how to shoot.

- We need to remember that the leaders of our big power governments together with their generals - are top predators with little concern for anyone else.
74 y.o Moron As The World's Leading Ape:

- NZ authorities urge you to safely surrender any newly prohibited firearm that you still retain.


  1. For a little further reading on the consequences to "down winders" check out what happened to many of the cast and crew of the thoroughly awful move "The Conqueror" 1956.

  2. Well Thank You 'Unknown' - that is useful info.
