Sunday 7 June 2020

Rim-Fire Stopping POWER - Knock-Down Power etc:

The debate continues .. but that is not strictly speaking my problem. - If that chatter did end what else would we have to shout about? .. er

- My issue is where the tongue flapping is MISINFORMED.

Anyone wanting to discuss any topic should at a minimum READ what experts claim as fact - while using 'critical thinking' to sort the fact from mere sales talk - opinion and emotion.

While it would be nice if any speakers actually bothered to research the matter by simply 'Googling' and scanning published data .. it would be truly impressive if the expert had actually conducted experimental tests and measured & recorded the results eh .. but I'd settle for re-printing the records of other painstaking researchers - as they can benefit from the extra exposure.
One recent story from U S claimed to test the defensive capability of .22" rim-fire and .22" WMR in handguns and included chronograph velocities plus penetration in ballistic gelatin .. but the writer used a 1.2 inch longer (20% ish) barrel for one than the other thus making the recorded results confused & irrelevant ..

Might it be that this supplicant owned the two guns and some ammunition that he took to a range for an outing - and so enjoyed the trip that he thought it worth recording? - Well no as this was said to be a professional gun writer.

If anyone fancies comparing .22" WMR with the less powerful .22" R/F - a quick scan of 'BALLISTICS BY THE INCH'  will yield inch-by-inch velocity tables for both in a range of ammunition - indeed also for many other calibres.

Penetration varies dependent upon projectile material & design, mass, and velocity ..

It concerns me that sentient beings still offer their opinion that X cartridge has more knock-down power than others when it is clearly A FACT that a projectile from any current firearm that penetrates either the subject target's brain, spine or heart - known as the 'central nervous system' will mostly rapidly terminate life .. thus ending physical activity.

It is also a FACT that some 85% of all shots fired by qualified Law Enforcement Officers miss their intended target.

Yes I know that sometimes a mortally wounded animal may continue running or indeed continue attacking for seconds until it expires. - Such exceptions are indeed exceptional. - Anyone ripped apart by a charging Bengal tiger whose chest has been eviscerated of it's heart & lungs by a big bore express rifle .. both allowed it get too close & was also plain unlucky.

That old saying that "A hit with a .22" is better than a miss with a 44 Magnum" has some wisdom - but unexpected results do occur - I was once much surprised to learn that a .303" Brit. rifle at extreme range would penetrate more deeply through a trench rampart than the same round at shorter combat distance .. much to do with the higher velocity round just breaking-up when hitting dirt and pebbles while the much slower bullet at extreme range can push in between?

I'm happy to comfort the 'if it don't start with a forty-five crowd' by saying that provided your practice and training demonstrates that you can consistently place five shots at five yards in five seconds into a five inch circle you should be fine .. however I do doubt that anything brain shot with a '45' is any more dead than the same skull if shot through with a 9 mm - a .32" or even a .22".

In 2012 Dustin Theoharis was shot 16 times by two police officers while in bed - he survived.

In 2010 Angel Alvarez was hit 21 times in a shoot-out with five police - he survived.

... look - you can do your own research eh. - Handguns are often less than optimal choice in a life threatening emergency but if that's what you have .. use it well..
Hickock 45 talks sense:

Would it be rude of me to observe that if I were a serving law-enforcement officer I'd try to train to be a physically capable fighter and weapons user BUT "old style" policing doesn't work anymore.

Which "carry guns" work best to stop an attack? - you might read THE FACTS - study linked here:

Life is extra good ..

Marty K.


  1. Marty, bring us an article on point shooting.

    1. Ooh I'd have to research it plenty first as it's not a thing that I've done at all seriously in my last 30 years. -I have tried it for fun once or twice and you can 'walk your shots' closer to where you want your hits ..
