Tuesday 8 February 2022

Heavy Metal or Polymer Technology:

 "Are you a 'wheel-gun person' or an 'Auto-Fan' .. Polymer? - Blued? or 'Stainless-Steel'? 

Open Sights or 'red dot' electronic optical? .. I've tried various types but my old eyes and lenses ("glasses") cope best with standard post & notch "IRON SIGHTS".

Hmm .. if you are serious about these important shooting skills I reckon that you need to work with all of the best options.

Indeed if you live in one of the British domains of Australia, Canada, or New Zealand you ought to be considering also which alternatives will remain to you after these administrations have stripped privately owned firearms from the law-abiding.

Could Be A British(NZ) Life-Saver .. 
Provided You Can Find Some Rubber & a Small Stone Eh ..

- Slingshots (catapults), Bows & Crossbows, Air-Rifles - and perhaps you might research your small game trapping skills, - Ferreting and hawking - and even pig killing on foot with dogs and a 'sticking' blade ..

- Spear Fishing .. line fishing & foraging? - because there won't be much hunting going on.

Take a look at UK to see New Zealand's prospects .. their residential areas are crawling with foxes since fox hunting was banned while every tree is infested by feral Grey Squirrels - Tree Rats .. "Ahh but they're so cute".

It must be time for some genius to develop a compact precision aimed, rubber-band powered 'small game rifle' for throwing 10mm steel balls hard (- they doubtless will ban lead soon). There is one offered from China but the price is high .. and the elastic-rifle must be designed with built-in eye protection from detached driving bands.

All the feral pests will soon join with the rabbits, stoats and wasps spreading uncontrolled across our bush and farmland - opening opportunity for more poisoning & helicopter warfare. - there are supposedly already 100 Million possums looking down at the feral wallabies from our chewed tree canopies.

A sensible Government would re-introduce bounties to encourage hunters and the fiber industry .. But we don't enjoy any sensible government here - so don't rely upon the people who caused the problem to ever fix it. - Did you know there are already an estimated 2.5 to 3 Million feral cats in New Zealand?

 Meanwhile there may remain a few years to enjoy the use of your legal tools of any type remaining available.

Recall that old meme "Power Corrupts but Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" - sometimes attributed to the First Baron Acton .. Well there is good reason to not deny this - but there is another option - that the psychopaths are attracted to career choices THAT GIVE THEM POWER such as the priesthood, control over children in special schools .. and, of course - politics.

 Marty K.

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