Saturday 26 February 2022



Some quotes to consider ..

"All men seek to rule, but if they cannot rule - they prefer to be equal" 

'God created men - Col Colt made them equal'

'The gun has been called the great equalizer, meaning that a small person with a gun is equal to a large person, but it is a great equalizer in another way, too. It insures that the people are the equal of their government whenever that government forgets that it is servant and not master of the governed. - Ronald Reagan.


It seems that our ancestor Homo erectus ..  around 2 million years ago - developed the structure of his shoulders that enabled him to THROW stuff fast, hard, and accurately. - Useful when you & your mates are wandering about with saber-toothed tigers and smaller stuff that you'd like to eat.

- Time flies eh ..

- Travel forward - to a mere 420,000 years ago where you might find a closer ancestor throwing a spear made from a sharpened and smoothed yew tree branch at some creature .. perhaps even at YOU.
The CLACTON SPEAR 420,000 years old
 .. Natural history Museum, London.

Now - this is most important. - The use of  'Ranged Weapons' to reach out and touch someone was and IS a game changer.

Ranged Weapons or projectiles - shift the balance of conflict fighting from one-on-one muscle-based tooth'n'nail - burnt stick poked in the eye gore .. to a more skillful - practiced thinking man's game.

- When there's a mob of hairy tough fellers with big teeth gibbering at you to come closer .. a few well thrown spears should end the discussion - even when there are more of them than you.

- Coming further forward to a mere 17,000 years ago or thereabouts and we know we had advanced to using  ATLATL .. Spear Throwers or what our Aussie brothers call 'Woomeras' that add an extra lever to the propulsion system and increase the spear's velocity to as much as 60 mph - 88 ft.per.sec. ..
And to this day - if you can get your arthritic old hands on your pistol and focus one watery eye on the situation - you'd still have a fair chance of beating off any stronger attackers.

Isn't it strange that some governments don't want the disadvantaged & weak to have the means to defend themself from predatory attack? .. well NO IT ISN'T - as politicians are themselves largely HYPOCRITICAL GREEDY PREDATORS and want to emasculate all their subjects and increase their own power and wealth at every turn.
FOUR Armed Guards Rotated 24 Hours a Day For Gun Banner Jacinda:

Marty K.
.103 Caliber Eichelberger-22 rimfire .. Now that's what I'd call a 'Mouse Gun'

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