Wednesday 27 July 2022

Do You Get The Difference (Private Enterprise v Predatory Capitalism)?

 Is it time to be angry yet? - Do you see wealth and power moving ever higher and being embedded into a shiny layer sitting way up over your head - while your children and their kids struggle to find somewhere to live?

The world's four biggest oil and gas companies have taken $1.99 trillion in profits in the past three decades.  - No wonder they have to price our fuel so carefully ..

Marketing - Public Relations - Propaganda and indeed Fascism - are all about FEELINGS - All want to pander to our emotions rather than respecting the truth. 

- Forget the facts - "Just tell 'em anything that they'd like to hear" ..

"Selling the SIZZLE - NOT THE STEAK"

New Zealand Police management and their tame politicians have spent the last several decades enacting regulations specifically designed to demonize lawful firearms owners - the single most worthy group of law abiding kiwis - turning them a new criminal underclass of pariahs.

As a compliant group of 240,000 citizens who have always respected the law - we are much easier to control than the troublesome & transient gang members.

If you were to stubbornly persist in harvesting wild food and trying to help control introduced feral animals by hunting - they are intent on making it so costly and complicated to meet licensing requirements that you will eventually abandon the effort needed to comply - and by default become a law breaker .. thus 'proving' their assertion that gun owners are undesirables.

The idea is one of UNEQUALITY .. some of us are more valuable than others.

We have let the skin on top of our custard get thicker & tougher while the jug below is filled with tasteless watery yellow slops .. - EVERY law that this tacky top layer imposes is designed keep the public cash flowing without friction into private contractor's pockets.

 "Entrepreneurs provide jobs and incomes for ordinary workers."  Nothing to do with taking maximum profit then.

& they don't want you being anyway independent or owning any guns. - Get your food plastic-wrapped from the Supermarket like the other workers.  Ordinary Kiwis need to accept being treated as a resource - like a field of cabbages, - just sit there quietly without decent housing or care, & pay-up for everything until 'they' are ready to cut & package you for market.

Have you had enough repression yet? .. Are you getting sufficiently peed-off ?

FASCISM: We think with the blood of out Nation.

- So what was BREXIT then? 

What was Trump's "Let's make America Great Again" about?

Housing Minister Megan Woods .. "Govt promises 8000 new homes as part of Infrastructure Acceleration Fund"

Failed  KIWIBUILD rehashed

A Trillion dollars is a million dollars - multiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, - a thousand billion dollars.


  • If you had gone into business on the day Jesus was born, and your business lost a million dollars a day, - day in and day out, 365 days a year, for 2,737 years it would take you until October 2737 to lose one trillion dollars.  
  • Time to consider a FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAX . - An APTT (Automated Payment Transaction Tax) is the fairest form of wide based taxation that is possible .. which is why all the wealthy oppose it. - You might even replace VAT & GST by a much fairer APTT.  
  • Marty K.

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