Tuesday 12 July 2022


 Todays "personal interest" story .. My Irish father left Ireland alone aged 15 for England - later joined the British army and served for over seven years throughout WW2 from 1938-1945 as a Corporal with the Irish Guards and both No.1 and No.2 Commandos - in Egypt, Norway, Italy and "North Europe". - About eight years later he was upset when showing me London 'corner shop' Room to Let cards that stated .. NO BLACKS, IRISH OR DOGS.

Because I support MY basic human right to defend myself, I am grouped in with the 'Libertarians, Trumpists and Fascists .. but as any of the jokers at my pistol shooting club will tell you - I am a "Stroppy Communist Lefty Pommy-Pinko"

It's a tribal failing that we need to group basic ideas into clusters .. PUTTING YOU INTO YOUR PLACE. - Some arrogant bigmouth will assume that because I am "pro-gun' I also will be a "Pro-Lifer" anti woman's-rights. - You are supposed to be either 'RED' or 'BLUE. -They call this "footballism" - as if we are supposed to pick our team and follow it loyally for life.

What about ACTUAL POLICIES - do we get a say on any policy? 

We are SO lucky to live in this democratic nation eh ..

Hmm - well New Zealand certainly is a most pleasant place to live - but it is important that we kiwis value the Facts rather than the emotional feelings that we all have - because these feelings can be messed with by professional marketers skilled in human psychology.

These 'persuaders' boast that they sell "the sizzle rather than the steak."

Factually - New Zealand is a MONARCHY rather than a 'Democracy' - but our system is said to be  'CONSTITUTIONAL' - However this is an uncodified constitution, sometimes referred to as an "unwritten constitution". - We are constantly assured by those in power how privileged we are to select our Government and periodically change it.

The Hereditary Queen Of The Realm of New Zealand

Members of our governance system claim it is the very best available

How many of these "world leaders" have even heard of a 'Higgs Boson'? 

- Our kids will likely know more about the JWST than they do ..

- We citizens are supposedly protected by an unwritten, uncodified, vague constitution that shifts around depending on the ruling club.

How well are they doing?

1/- Our LAW ENFORCEMENT is under-resourced, UNDER PAID, and UNDERSTAFFED (except at the top layer).


3/- EDUCATION? - We are short of Teachers because of low pay - classrooms are overcrowded and our educational standards are falling.

4/- HOUSING & SOCIAL SERVICES? - We are short of skilled builders, we are short of Housing, and some families are living (and dying) in cars, sheds & garages or high cost emergency accommodation MOTELS.

5/- VIOLENT CRIME? - Since NZ abolished Capital Punishment our MURDER RATE has risen to around four times what it used to be previously. - Hardly a single day passes now without a murderous attack, a shooting, or a stabbing.

- Those 5 issues, plus 'Defense' are exactly what we expect our Administration to provide and manage for us.

Add in POWER, Clean safe WATER and Food - together with rubbish removal & sewage disposal and you have what most of us value as the ESSENTIALS OF LIFE.


Let us help our Career Politicians to govern by forming an 'Upper House' of un-elected Citizen Jurors each serving one paid term only - to examine & pass (or not) every law change and to propose bottom-line amendments. One Hundred and One Kiwi's - rotated from work life for a time with legal advisors, to improve how our laws are democratically set for the benefit of society.

We could again lead the world.

Marty K.

Note: JWST is the new James Webb Space Telescope. Who knows what it will discover for us?


  1. My deep fear is that if/when we DO have a constitution, those clowns in the Beehive will write to make sure they stay there and that nothing changes,
    A Constitution for NZ has already been written some 20 years ago, by the NZ Libertarianz party, but because it does not contain any "lets featherbed the indolent" clauses, and actually sets people free, most will run a mile to avoid it.
    Just google "A constitution for New Freeland", and you can read it.... it does require a good knowledge of English to understand fully, but that shouldn't be a problem to the folk her... ;)
