Wednesday 4 October 2023

NZ Police 'SearchX' - Murder - Violence ..

 A short TWENTY-TWO YEARS ago America was rocked by two hi-jacked jet planes flying into "THE TWIN TOWERS" killing some 2,763 victims - '9/11' 

Folk have such poor recall of FACT ..

"THE North & South TWIN TOWERS" - the way media refer to this "Terrorist Attack" - were in fact, THREE TOWERS with Number 7 WORLD TRADE PLAZA - a 47 story tower block also totally destroyed & collapsing despite not being hit by these two aircraft .. And the PENTAGON BUILDING was also struck by a hijacked passenger aircraft ..

Yes I know the multiple "Conspiracy" stories & variations of who did what - lots of strange happenings eh. 

 90 % of thinking people understand that the TRUTH is being witheld.

- And 'THE TWO AIRCRAFT' were in fact FOUR passenger planes hi-jacked on that fatal day - American Airways 77 flew into the the West Facade of THE PENTAGON killing a further 189 people, - While United Airlines 93 was also hi-jacked and crashed into a Pennsylvania field killing all 44 people onboard.

You definately should not rely only on MEMORY of the headlines ..

Some folk might need to research-refresh this terrible day in history a little more - and question how this attack event led to America spending 728 Billion Dollars invading IRAQ and killing over ONE MILLION Iraqis - as a reprisal for '9/11" - which was carried out by terrorists from SAUDI ARABIA .. not IRAQ.

Further - consider this - November 22 this year is SIXTY YEARS since U S President Kennedy was assassinated by a murderous conspiracy of criminals, political rivals, Viet Nam warmongers and so-called "Intelligence" Departments of the U S  Administration. - Has 'JUSTICE' resulted for those killers?


Goverment at work .. Then of course there is UKRAINE - where some of the more recent casualty estimates are 500,000 Ukrainian Military DEATHS -- plus some 60,000 plus amputees. - Please can we stop now and negotiate some kind of settlement while the living may be able to rebuild a life in what remains. The unacceptable alternative is NUCLEAR ESCALATION..


Here at home in New Zealand we have wonderful things happening inside our Police Department .. where they have rolled-out the latest COMPUTER A I system with the catchy brand name SearchX - this new misdirection of public revenue is touted to link 
"an offender in city A with a person in city B who owns a black saloon vehicle" - thereby informing the responding officers that they need to be alert to possible risk.  ??

Naturally the shortage of sworn police officers and other resources means that the responding officers will be available some time within the following weeks to respond and log the complaint, and allocate it to a numbered file on the computer.

SearchX will entail registering & cross-linking DRUG DEALERS - DRIVE-BY GANG SHOOTERS - SHOPLIFTERS and RAM RAIDERS - with other KNOWN VIOLENT OFFENDERS and Fit & Proper LICENSED FIREARM OWNERS into one system 'of interest' to Police.

Conflating us, the VERY BEST, Most VETTED law abiding PEOPLE IN SOCIETY - with the LOWEST DREGS.

One difference is that we fit & proper law abiding shooters have to jump through hoops while paying increased license fees, in order to be grouped by police with the criminals

Marty K.

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