Sunday 26 August 2018

Rebecca Peters - Aussie 'PORT ARTHUR' Gun Control 'Expert':

I listened to a Radio NZ interview Saturday morning by Kim Hill with Rebecca Peters - the woman credited with motivating Australian politicians to very speedily act to BAN & "Buy-Back" and destroy some 700,000 "weapons".

American born Rebecca Peters seems to be well intended & a most fluent & emotional speaker .. seeming to have mastered 'circular breathing' so that she never needs to pause for breath or for thought.

She described the Australian politicians as awful but claims she motivated them by providing PR opportunities.

Ms Peters has been awarded an Australian Human Rights Medal and The Order Of Australia recognizing her anti-gun activities that centered around the 1996 "Port Arthur Massacre" - when 29 y.o. Martin Bryant murdered 35 people and injured 23 in Tasmania.

When he left school - Bryant received a disability pension due to his reduced mental capacity & was diagnosed as having an IQ of 66 and suffering Autism, schizophenia borderline intellectual functioningAsperger's syndrome and antisocial personality disorder - and was reported in 1990 as "would like to go around shooting people."

His "companion" Helen Harvey died in a car accident when their car veered into the path of oncoming traffic - while Bryant - who had caused three previous road accidents by grabbing the steering wheel - was beside her. He is currently serving 35 life sentences and has repeatedly attempted suicide by slashing his wrists and neck with razor blades.

Naturally Rebecca Peters was not alone in blaming these horrific shootings on the guns - rather than on the shooter who - despite being an obvious threat to society - continued to be at liberty to kill.

This killer and his associates were serious fruit & nutcases being 'supported' by agencies but untreated & not properly dealt with.

Gun Bans and restrictions are a 'simple response' to very complex social ills of neglect and under resourcing. - How can this 'Journalist' be recognized as an EXPERT when she ignores the fact that the Tasmanian killer was mentally & intellectually damaged and unrestrained as an ongoing Health Risk to all members of the public?

- People I talk with expect Government to look after the basics  .. Law Enforcement, Defense, Education, & Health.

.. English speaking Western Governments are corruptly failing in their elected duties by deliberately under-funding these essentials while continuing to reduce Corporate taxation.

Change is obviously needed ...

Marty K.
Note: Both Rebecca Peters and that other Australian based anti-gunner (New Zealander) Phlip Alpers use their "journalistic license skills" to push emotional opinion ahead of the serious issues of social deprivation and neglect by Government.
The horror movie White Zombie, starring Bela Lugosi depicted zombies as mindless, unthinking henchmen under the spell of an evil magician.
The "zombie apocalypse" idea, in which the civilized world is brought low by a global zombie infestation, has become a staple of modern popular media.


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