Thursday 18 October 2018

Governments of Bread And Circuses:

How can a modern powerful "democratic" Nation select a "nutter" to lead it?

How can a 'leader' - supported by Fundamental Christians - excuse and trade with murderous anti-christian extreme autocratic rulers who torture & cut-up those who dare to criticize it's actions ... Because they are wealthy and "buy American"?

Roman writer 'Juvenal'  - born around 0055 C.E. originated this phrase "Bread and Circuses" .. that describes how corrupt leaders can distract citizens from their civic responsibilities - by providing relief of basic foods and the distraction of circuses or Games .. L. "panem et circenses".

So now you're a Latin Scholar - as well as a thinking shootist 😊!

.. Let's have a parade - bring on the lions, gladiators and bears and light-up the skies:

Desert Storm Fireworks.

- Here is one small 'classic' example of arrogant corruption: Today a female establishment figure is promoting a consortium project to build a large waterside Stadium (Circus Venue) and an infill housing development ... Unable to claim that this is wanted by the citizens and ratepayers - she clearly stated on National radio that "we will need to win the hearts and minds of the locals."

- In other words .. they are going to put a public relations group onto selling this costly 'for profit' idea as a dream benefit for taxpayers.

Marty K.

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