Tuesday 21 May 2019

Billionaire Bug-out Bunkers:

I can't remember where I read this - but it's pertinent: "How long can any animal survive if it ignores it's greatest danger? - imagine a mouse that ignores cats."

- Without doubt there will be survivors of nuclear warfare - there already have been.

- experience linked here 18 minutes inside a European Radiation Zone.

.. Kolya says "To be human is hard at times." - I watched this vlog from 'Bald & Bankrupt' .. if you'd like to see what life might be like after a nuclear disaster - WATCH IT.. It's fact.



Stories about these government facilities rank alongside news of new warplanes ... when the military release their earlier secrets - you KNOW that they are now obsolete and that they have moved-on to something bigger & better that is still secret 😃 - but it's interesting to learn where some of your tax donations had gone.

That's Interesting Eh - They Obviously Didn't Think
 Anyone In Northern Ireland Was Worth Saving.


Newspaper stories about "secret" bunkers ? .. here's another:


Here's a video-doco about New Zealand's American Millionaire refugees: Hunt For The Bunker People: (It's on Sky TV about now):


.. Well that's almost worth watching - but like Macdonald says - if you've got one - you are not going to boast about it in public anyway eh .. there are some interesting names thrown up but.

This next 'Tiny House' page gives sensible design advice if you have means to build something - plus links to lots of other useful info:


For us non-billionaires - even in "normal times" it is sensible to try to keep a little food in the pantry and out in the vegetable garden .. perhaps your section might make a home for some egg laying chooks or even a few caged rabbits? You see .. when things get tough - just saying "Alexa I'm hungry" won't change much of anything.

There's plenty of information if you can be bothered .. why would anyone want a gun?

Marty K.

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