Saturday 4 May 2019

Freedom Of The 'PRESS':

I guess it has to be expected that "the media" will largely follow each other in reporting their stories.

- After all-is-said-and-done - the media is mostly owned by a couple of multi-millionaires who want to convince ordinary folk that they, the millionaires, are naturally right in everything they say & do and that is what we peasants have to support - so that these nobles & their hangers-on can maintain their wealth, influence and privilege for ever.
I WAS going to list what this man owns & controls .. but it's too long. - just check-out this page that does list it:

I can't be too detailed as I stopped buying 'a Paper' many years ago here - when 'THE STAR' closed leaving 'THE PRESS' as the only daily reading choice in central Canterbury.

They even at some stage changed the printing ink used from petroleum based to watery soy ink - that seemed to make it's recycling as a flame starter for cold weather less usable .. Lose-Lose.

Thinkers among us have to regard "the news" as largely predetermined propaganda that has been discussed by government and the media-moguls long before the reported events occur.

Media gains "ACCESS" .. Government gains "SUPPORT".

You may not like that thought - but events are as predictable almost as certainties .. it's only a matter of time before another natural disaster happens, another media-personality is found to be corrupt, or another dreadful murder occurs - and the government politicians - their marketers - and the media Lords have got their themes agreed well in advance ..

Our emotions are being directed from above as surely as puppets on a string.

Doubters can check-out the Wikipedia PROPAGANDA page here:

Are they being lead by the nose?   Is that actually a question?

Marty K.

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