Wednesday 29 May 2019

GUN RIGHTS in New Zealand:

In England a Private Prosecution by Marcus Ball is moving forward against Boris Johnson charging that he repeatedly lied as Mayor of London and as a Member Of Parliament. 
Deliberately Dishevelled Boris:

Johnson has been accused of misconduct in public office after repeating the claim that UK pays 350 million Pounds every week to the EU during the 2016 EU referendum campaign.

District judge Margot Coleman has cited the contention by Lewis Power QC, counsel for Ball, that “there will seldom be a more serious misconduct allegation against a member of parliament or mayor than to lie repeatedly to the voting public on a national and international platform, in order to win your desired outcome”.

Here in New Zealand the KIWI PARTY in cooperation with shooters groups like COLFO has commenced Court proceedings against legislation that BANS ownership and use of various kinds of firearms.

There are multiple (12) contentions sited including that The 1688 Bill of Rights has Constitutional status in NZ law and cannot be abrogated by Parliament.

- and Breach of the constitutional right to bear arms.

The New Zealand Police have repeatedly stated that firearms ownership in New Zealand is "A Privilege"  not a RIGHT .. and at last somebody is defending our basic rights as citizens in the courts.

Sadly it has taken a flawed & hurried Parliamentary anti-gun action to stir anyone into resistance by also seeking justice via an interim Injunction against the recent BAN.

Legal Action is always an expensive business - and legal action against a government will be VERY lengthy and VERY expensive. 


[10] No statement of defence has been filed by the Attorney General. Rather, and as noted above, the Attorney General has filed an application to strike out the proceedings. 

In giving his judgement to the case brought by the Kiwi Party in the Auckland High Court on 15 May Justice Wyle has, at the request of the Attorney General,  struck out all causes put forward to challenge the latest Arms Amendment Act and the process followed by Parliament on the basis that they could not succeed.  He did consider the first cause of action to challenge the Order in Council that made all semi autos in to MSSAs, but concluded that since it was now repealed by the Act it could not succeed. The application for interim orders was declined.
You can read the full judgment here:

Where do we go from here?

Marty K.

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