Wednesday, 23 December 2020

NZ Shooters Suffer From APATHY:

Perhaps our NZ National Health Service may be able to use police records to contact all Licensed Firearms users in 2021 and offer help regarding treatment for evident APATHY for 240,000 of them. - Apathy can be a symptom of several neurological and psychiatric disorders - it can become more serious if you have a chronic condition and don't treat it ..

The doctor might diagnose you with apathy if you're no longer motivated and you .. 

Lack the effort or energy to do everyday things

Depend on other people to plan your activities

Have no desire to learn new things, meet new people, or have new experiences

Don't care about your own problems

Feel no emotions when good or bad things happen

- The brain's apathy centre is believed to be located in the frontal lobe area where lesions have been found in the brains of sufferers-  many of whom are individual New Zealand Firearms Licence Holders.


NEVER in the history of New Zealand has such a concerted attack on basic human rights been mounted on any law-abiding minority group with so little protest. -  Mental health psychiatrists do not explicitly deal with the condition of apathy, - as it is a psychological problem for some depressed people, in which they get a sense that "nothing matters" .. but there are standard treatments & medications to help with depression.

New Zealand shooters may need to moderate the intensity of their symptoms when consulting their General Practitioner as recent legislation suggests Doctors notify police licensing authorities if they detect any mental illness in a Licensed Firearms owning patient.

When Australian BRENTON TARRANT was negligently given a licence by NZ Police enabling him to murder 51 innocent victims on 15 March 2019 - Police & Politicians mounted a punitive attack on lawful firearms users to transfer the blame for the Massacre to sports people .. that so far has brought into law 200 pages of additional Amendments to NZ Firearms Regulation .. WITH MORE TO COME.

The new FIREARMS LICENCE APPLICATION - RENEWAL FORM alone contains THIRTY FIVE PAGES of questions to be completed every five years..

Like me you may lawfully own thousands of dollars worth of valuable firearms, ammunition, security safes, - and hand loading equipment .. I hope that you too support COLFO and are a paid-up member of SPORTING SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION of NEW ZEALAND - it costs only $25.

Marty K.


  1. $25 to watch someone say NOTHING during submissions

  2. WRONG - Both SSANZ and COLFO put in powerful submissions
