Sunday 30 January 2022

Heaven On Earth .. With an AK47?

Today's Joke:

.. English bloke comes home and finds his wife in bed with his three best friends .. Hello Hello Hello he cries. - His wife sits up and says "So aren't you going to say hello to me too?" 

Hmm, ain't no such thing as Heaven that I've found .. But New Zealand isn't the worst when you consider all the bad guys out there in the world trying to rip-off everything that they can and put the loot into their offshore private account.

I really like the way that so many maps of the planet seem to forget we are down here - and leave that patch of blue ocean close to Antarctica blank. - There's Australia and there's that spread of blue all the way down to the white empty region of frozen wasteland .. GREAT.

- When those terrible killing-wars and ethnic-cleansings erupt like bursting septic boils on the hot inflamed locations .. it's no 'act of god' or trick of fate.- It is the direct result of a rich psycho spotting an opportunity to seize control of some asset that can make her or him even more wealthy and powerful.

One National Leader - then Mayor Johnson in 2015.
Don't Moan About His Lies - He's Going To Be A War Hero In Ukraine ..

Behind every well financed REVOLUTIONARY ARMY there is some Corporate business person venturing a bit of their capital on a profit seeking speculation.

Be it control of the moist soil for growing cheap South American bananas or palm oil - or of a sandy wasteland overlaying oil-rich swamps - It's the oligarchs crooks & royals who value their own wealth above the lives of others - & plot to steal everything they can.

- And there are some deluded simpletons who question THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS for law abiding citizens.

Mind you .. if you think of me & you as being average sorts - try to remember that HALF of our fellow countrypersons have got even less brains than us .. as half of all Kiwis (& Poms) are below average IQ.


Here is a fantastic new watch - CIGA DESIGN BLUE PLANET .. Todays IQ Test is to locate New Zealand on this beautiful Award Winning titanium face .. FAIL.

CIGA Design have beaten-off even the Swiss with their superb US$1,000 watch BLUE PLANET .. but will they 'premiere' their new timekeeper in the missing New Zealand? - Watch review linked here ..

Where is this New Zealand?

Marty K.

1 comment:

  1. 'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'...needs be part of every country's constitution as a condition of UN membership.
