Sunday 9 January 2022

'Nu Tirani' In Thrall To The Chinese ..

 Well .. beep-beep-beepitty-beep - Have I got news for you. 

I got mail today .. up in the 'wop-wops' # of the South Island NU TIRANI *.

# - That's the sound your truck tires make when the rubber is shredded by the potholes and coarse road metal.

* Nu Tirani is the actual proper Maori name for these 'British' South Pacific islands - see this link ..

.. Sounds sort of familiar - tyranny ? - Those early Maori knew something in advance eh.

 - Following some three weeks of no mail at all over the Christmas-Summer vacation period - I got three packages - being a pair of work jeans from AliExpress in China, - a replacement (Chinese?) black rubber strap for my overvalued but 'classic' SEIKO (Japanese) Turtle dive watch, - and a new 1963 Chinese Pilots Chronograph watch.

Chinese SEA-GULL 1963 Chronograph 
(This One - My Choice - Is a Quartz Movement)

- My recently serviced old SEIKO collectible Model 6309-7040 .. (Service cost of $622.) - also looks great on it's replacement black rubber band.
Vintage SEIKO 6309-7040 Automatic 'Turtle' Dive Watch:  

I bought this SEIKO dive-watch in Suva around 1978 some ten years before I bought my used filipino 'STIRLING' (Armscor) semi-automatic .22" rifle with a 15 round magazine from the NZ Police at a 'Police & Customs Auction' in Christchurch with a $40 bid. 
Both of these useful small game getters were SURRENDERED to NZ Police
 by order of a "BUY-BACK" scheme. - Both large supervising police officers laughed:

- Interesting to recall that having lawfully SOLD me this "pea-gun" - they many years later forced me to sell it back to them for $400 in a "Buy Back"..

Chinese ?

- Now the superb 'MSTIANO' made Sea-Gull 1963 Chronograph is the 2nd Chinese made time keeper in my developing collection - with 100% satisfaction to date. I see both Chinese watches as 'things of beauty' .. but in all conscience I do need to confess that I have terrible taste .. ask my ex wife.

There has been a bit of critical comment from Western media claiming that Nu Tirani is sucking-up to China when we ought to be hostilely opposing Chinese influences in our part of the world - well Sino-Kiwi relations have been friendly since for ever - try 1927 with Cantabrian Rewi Alley doing much founding educational development work with the communist Chinese Beijing academics - while today China continues to be the biggest customer for our produce.


STOP PRESS: Federal have just announced their new American pistol cartridge 30 SUPER CARRY - it sounds very much like it should logically be called 8 mm Auto in the progression .. 10 mm Auto, 9 mm Luger, 8 mm Auto. - Not enough details released yet or drawings to date .. but said to use a .312 inch bullet with the cartridge being the same o/a length as 9 mm.

Note: It is sometimes difficult to affirm that the U S measuring system is metric eh ..

Marty K.


  1. Hi there Martin, I still don't understand much of the gun talk but I am pleased to see you enjoy the bizarre world of Ali express. I have been using them exclusively for outdoor equipment for several years now with mixed success. Tents, fantastic, portable firepit, brilliant.lightweight camp chair, a bargain. But try to buy clothes!!!! I ordered winter warm trousers, size XL. They arrived miles too small but only cost £8. Order again, size XXXXL (I have a 36" waist) they fit brilliantly and are so comfortable and practical, water repellent with reinforced knees etc. So I ordered another pair, I know what size to get, check the label 4XL, new pair some one about 6'8" tall with a 44" waist!!!! I guess you don't get this problem with a watch strap :-)

  2. Yup that does seem to be a problem with clothing for sure. Cheers.

  3. Both of those rifles could have been made legal, and the government would have paid for the gun-smith to do it. I altered many dozens of them myself.... but yes it's ironic isn't it? Lots of rifles were destroyed that didn't need to be, and I do wonder how some appeared not to know about getting them altered. So many people though it was only about military type stuff, but it went much further than that, and they are not finished with us yet. They have made a total hash of the whole deal, but that's S.O.P. for the government now.

    1. Indeed Kathryn .. I did investigate getting a Gunsmith to do the necessary - but both locals said they were too busy & that the work was not worth the expense either for these 'pot-metal specials'. - It seemed more profitable to cash-in without all the hassle.
