Tuesday 29 August 2023

Bird Brains Control Gun Laws:

- If you're into firearm antiques - here's a site with more than a few guns to sight


I'm a slow thinker but just today I realized that our politicians are much like hens .. They'll run together like a flock to be rewarded - they'll fight viciously over what they can find in a dung-heap - they are at their most productive when straining in a dark space - and they'll squabble endlessly over who gets to sit highest on the perch.

Both chooks & pollies are cunning & devious with controlling communication skills - according to thankchickens.com their IQ is around 30-40 ... I've worked alongside guys here dimmer than that. - One at-work coupling had an animated smoko chat about "last nights game" for ten minutes before realization dawned that one was crowing about a game of cricket while 'tuther was ooing and ahhing about the 'footie'. - Imagine trying to achieve the bosses KPIs with such bird-brained staff that they employed ..

- Thinking about that - reminds me again of an advert NZ Police ran locally years ago for Firearms Office staff - where they stated that they sought new employees having NO experience from working with firearms, and who were NOT licensed gun owners or sporting shooters.

THAT is what my old Dad would have called "WILFUL IGNORANCE".

I guess that NZ Police Service Heirarchy will already be planning their further 'COVER-UP' responses to what-ever the Christchurch CORONIAL INQUEST concludes regarding how culpable they are for the deaths of the 51 Islamic innocents bloodily slain by BRENTON TARRANT. - I note that something often overlooked is the FOURTY other VICTIMS who survived their awful wounds.

- Their POLICE officers issuing his Firearms Licence were grossly negligent of  properly examining his character referees.

Police established their 'new' "SEPARATE" Te Tari Pureke FIREARMS REGISTER in response to The Royal Commission findings that were strongly critical of Police ... but this register is neither new nor separate - being merely a re-hashed Te Reo homage of the earlier failed gun register abandoned in 1983 .. managed by sworn police old hacks to re-enforce a confusion of paper regulations specifically expected to spread despair and loss of any hope, of continuing to be a lawful shooter.

This nonsense confetti of prohibitive laws that proscribe the lawful ownership of guns by fit and proper New Zealanders, will grow and grow in stupidity UNTIL KIWI SHOOTERS FIND SOME BALLS AND REFUSE TO BE FURTHER TRODDEN-ON BY IGNORANT CORRUPT CAREER POLITICIANS & THE FAILED NZ POLICE HEIRARCHY.

If we were setting the regulations for the design & safety of say hydraulic powered excavation machinery - or for the storage & delivery of natural Gas for heating etc. - we would NOT leave it to members of a political party to formulate ... but rather we would engage experienced knowledgable users and 'organizations' to do the job properly.

With NZ yearly 'GUN DEATHS' averaging 10 or 11 - while 73 workers are killed every year by incidents while employed - which loss of life is SEVEN times more tragic and more in need of legislation than the other?

Marty K.

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