Sunday 10 September 2017

Writer John Taffin Sees the Light Calibers!:

All British types will be familiar with their constitutional monarchy class system & how it is supported by handing-out "titles" to the successful and wealthy.

 Indeed here in New Zealand (Yes - you are British) it's usual for knighthoods to be awarded to 'personalities' when they retire - or when it becomes known that they are unlikely to live much longer .. as a cheap way of cementing their names permanently into the ruling class establishment.

A near equivalent is selection for a 'Literary Award' or an honorary degree - and this story is my attempted tribute.

John Taffin of Boise, Idaho is a venerable gun writer approaching his dotage (born 2 May 1939!) .. why, he's even older than me. - To me, Mr Taffin has dedicated his life to finding, collecting, customizing - shooting - and writing about 'Big Bore' Single-Action Sixguns.
- And interesting to note that John T was (like Hickok 45) for a large part of his life - a school teacher.
John Taffin is the public face of the shooting world for .44" and .45" magnum single action revolvers.

Now at last he is revealing "the wisdom of age" by declaring that he has been, for decades - a closet Thirty-Two fan and that he regrets not having "come-out" earlier.
* .32s: A Small Magnificent Obsession *

is the title of his 11 page admission in the new 2018 Gun Digest.

"Suddenly, big-bore sixguns were not as much fun as they used to be., which allowed me to look where I should have been looking decades earlier for real shooting pleasure, namely .32 sixguns; the .32s were around, I just didn't pay much attention to them."

He has been working on a new Small Bore Book for more than a few years already - and that is definitely on my wish list for the home book shelf.

"The little .32"s, even in their heaviest versions, are always a pleasure to shoot, without a kick in a car load, and they do very well for punching holes in paper, tin cans, varmints, and should the need arise could certainly be used in a self-defense situation."
Great stuff,

Marty K.

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