Monday, 31 December 2018

UK Armed Police Anti-Terrorists "Bottled-Out":

Just to link you to a bit of video from England that demonstrates the STRESS levels there when the inmates go out for a little recreational bottle digging in a rubbish dump.

.. Multiple police cars, helicopter overhead, keep your hands in sight - all for a couple of old bottles to add to a hobby collection 😙😙
AND - how about that C  O  N  S  T  A  N  T traffic roar from the highway? .. Oh no. (A rubbish dump with traffic noise) .. sounds like Manchester - which it appears is UK's #2 city for violent crime after the Capitol?

- I'm so glad that I got the hell out of that environment with my family back in 1976 .. I recommend it to the House.

Marty K.

Manchester's scenic delights video :

Well worth watching .. talk about "GRIM ?"
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Farting Simian Bipeds Firing A SPACE CANNON At An Asteroid:

This is not Sci-Fi.

This is FACT happening right now as we sit like bloated whales with hangovers after Christmas-New Year.

Hyabusa2 is our space explorer vehicle that has already successfully landed on  asteroid 162173 Ryugu after flying for more than three years - Right now .. it landed there 27 June 2018.

 Hayabusa2 will deploy what can be described as a free-flying gun with one "bullet", called Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI); - the system has a 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) copper projectile (that's 38,580.9 grains) to be fired into the asteroid surface by an explosive propellant charge.

- What it's going to do is take-off again - fire it's "bazooka" cannon to make a crater - then land again to scoop-up samples .. then lift-off again to return back to earth.

 Approximately 40 minutes after separation, when the spacecraft is at a safe distance, the copper disc penetrator will be fired at 2,000 meters per second into the asteroid surface by the detonation of 4.5 kg (9.9 lb) shaped charge of plasticized HMX nitro explosive.
SCI Small Carry-On Impactor.

The copper impactor will be shot to the surface from an altitude of about 500 meters and it is expected to excavate a crater of about 2 meters in diameter and expose fresh material. 

Hayabusa2 will then wait about two weeks for the floating dust & debris to clear from the site before descending into the newly-formed crater to retrieve a freshly exposed sample.

- Then it's going to once more lift-off and fly all the way back to our blue & green planet with these packets of space dirt.  PHWW!


This is truly mind boggling stuff - BUT what really is WONDROUS is that the girls & boys who worked all this out in Japan and designed the equipment that could do it ... are the same burping and farting simians that put Donald Trump in charge of the hugest deadly military force in history .. and voted for England's BREXIT mess.

Marty K.

After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Saturday, 29 December 2018


UK Conservative Party leader David Cameron started boasting of his reduced public spending AUSTERITY in 2009 (started late 2008).

This austerity program included reductions in welfare spending, the cancellation of school building programs, reductions in local government funding, - 21,000 less police and an increase in VAT .. the stated aim being reduction of the National Debt.

UK National Debt: 2010 - £845 billion   UK National Debt 2017 £1.786 trillion

So That's working Then.

Austerity Affects All Londoners ..
Queens Speech Christmas 2018
The Queen Of New Zealand

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Selecting Leaders:

Christmas Day evening I caught James O'Brian on LBC Radio London musing about the year's events - stating a bit of an old truism .. that it was hard to get decent politicians as anyone ambitious to rule is the last person that hard working folk should invite into a position of power.

And, of course, this is exactly how our western system is organized.

It's cynical to state that we democratically 'select and elect' these shysters to enrich themselves further at our expense .. but right from the earliest wresting of control from the Chief Warlord by the combined lesser Lords - it was all just a power-share struggle - but one small step away from PLUTOCRACY towards our modern demagoguary.

PLUTOCRACY  - Government by the wealthy. 2. A wealthy class that controls a government.

DEMAGOGUARY - leaders who make use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power. 

-The Oxford Dictionary defines OLIGARCHY as - a small group of people having control of a country or organization .. a deceitful, devious small wealthy group describes our governing bodies fairly well.
Ruger Redhawk 8 Shot .357 Magnum
 Political Advantage .. Did He Fire SIX?

The solutions for "draining the swamp" are reasonably clear to see - but you'd be dreaming if you expected the current parasitic hyena pack to peacefully yield the meaty corpse that fattens them .. they'll have to be chased-off.

'Parliament' aka 'the Debating Chamber' is held to be the lands highest court - but it is the only court that I can think of where it is permitted to lie - and this privilege, immunity from Contempt of Court - is formally stated!

A change there would be a start .. deliberate misleading has to be a Contempt of Court criminal offense.

- Would it be rude of me to again point out that the phrase Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun was used by Mao both in 1927 and again in 1938? - If that is a realistic proposition - logically then an armed citizenry is essential to maintain democracy.

So how might the ambitious & greedy be filtered out of the halls of power? - my wee suggestion is to replace any "Upper House" and form a 'superior house' that is comprised a set number (101 - 301?) of mentally competent 'standard citizens' periodically 'drawn by lot' from the electoral roles to form a CITIZENS ASSEMBLY with veto power over the elected house - and the right to instruct the elected politicians on issues to consider and debate.

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Friday, 28 December 2018


For 'starters' - here's a National Institute of Justice definition of RECIDIVISM:
 Recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice. It refers to a person's relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime.
Rimutaka Prison Yard Container Cells

So is jail any good at treating criminals? - is it about punishment or does it protect ordinary folk? - does it change criminal's behavior? - Indeed - what is the purpose of imprisonment anyway?

I found a US Govt attempted review of planet-wide recidivism and basically it fails to be "definitive" because all the figures vary in defining what exactly they measure & in what time period is covered.

Are re-incarceration records showing the same significance as re-trials, re-arrests, or further conviction .. what about fines? Their tables tell the story:


New Zealand Reimprisonment
2002–03Prisonersafter 5 years52%
Within five years of release three quarters (76.6%) have been re-arrested.

England & Wales Two Year Re-conviction rate 59% (includes fines)

- That's just a taste of the different recording systems.

You could think that US (76.6%) is worse than NZ .. but the lesser NZ 52% is after arrest, trial, not guilty findings, and other conclusions than prison are deducted (Home Detention, Fines, Community Service etc.) this 'leveling effect' may (or may not) indicate the same sorry result that crooks are still crooks after being variously treated to the benefits of justice.

you might CONCLUDE either that we should "Lock 'em up & throw away the keys" ... or "it's not working - so we should stop jailing these injured souls and do more to help them".

- Whatever you do (if anything at all) it will cost heaps of taxation money. Either new prisons or new corrections education and addiction treatment, psychiatric help & counseling will be pricey - while remaining uncertain in effect. - Might 'Community Sentencing' be effective if run properly? - If you do nothing .. the costs of crime will continue.

Before you form an opinion .. may I ask - are you SURE that YOU have NEVER done ANYTHING that might have resulted in a GUILTY finding?

Marty K.
Note: Wikipedia states: UK's Official police statistics are unreliable, due to widespread and inconsistent practices of "no criming", with 19% of reported overall crimes not recorded by police, one quarter of sexual crimes and one third of violent crimes.

After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Thursday, 27 December 2018

HOWER 12 +1 Shot 357"Maximum Revolver:

If you look at modern buildings, cars or electronics stuff - it's apparent that old fashioned craftsmanship & craftswomanship play little part in their making. - Sure there's plenty of hi-tech pressings, plastic, glass and concrete but to find vintage quality metal, wood and engraving skills you will need to examine something like this 'one-off' 13 shot break action, single action revolver:

- that's twelve 357" Maximum chambers plus the center chamber-barrel.

Read the full story about Kenneth & Carolea Hower & their dedication to 'THE BEST' in this detailed story:

Beautiful work can still be found,

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

9 Missing Nukes? Royalty - Canals - A New Year:

In 1865, January 18 - British politician John Bright coined the phrase "England is The Mother Of Parliaments"  .. this claim refers to the imposition of administrations based on the British 'House of Parliament' on many former countries of the British Empire.

In the United Kingdom's 'Constitutional Monarchy' - there is Sovereign Immunity .. under which the monarch may do no wrong under the law (something like The Pope for Catholics?)
- because the responsible government is instead deemed accountable - and the monarch may not be subject to the same taxation or property restraints as other subjects. - Whereas under the American constitution the President is not so immune from legal judgement.

In theory - Her Majesty could order her loyal military to stop all this "England out of Europe"  "Leave means Leave' nonsense - and be for ever right.

- Failing that it seems there may be a small bright light at the end of the chaotic BREXIT tunnel: - As the UK's currency & economy collapse to ever lower levels and their motorways deteriorate into one long potholed truck parking lot .. they have retained the extensive canal transport network .. thoughtfully designed in the 18th century to bypass their then rutted muddy bridle tracks & to move Britain's cargo forward at 4 mph.
Water Trucks.
.. This may not be that much slower than the average speeds achieved on their gridlocked city roads - which has been recorded as low as 7.8 mph in London.

Missing Nukes?
This story has major implications of a scandalous cover-up. - I am in no position to make a judgement as to whether the tale is complete bulldust or has the stench of ordure shoveled under the carpet ..
These are claims that nine nuclear weapons were stolen and went missing .. 6 from Texas (2007) and three from Britain (via 1980s Oman) - events known in the trade as 'Empty Quivers'.

- This is not the first time that I have seen and read about these missing WMDs. - If there is ANY truth in these statements we all have to be very worried - but even if they are malicious 'fake news' we should still be outraged that such claims have been made.

In January this year - the DOOMSDAY CLOCK was moved forward - It is set at two minutes to midnight — the closest the Clock has ever been to Doomsday, and as close as it was in 1953, at the height of the Cold War.


Will The ATOMIC SCIENTISTS Record Further Change In The New Year?

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Quiz 4 U: Early Brass Cartridge Found in Thames:

More filthy finds from London's Thames River - two pieces of small arms ammunition spotted in minutes (from the nation where both guns & ammo are banned 😙) .. is the first a .577" Snider-Enfield - in service from 1867 .. or a slightly later .577-450" Martini-Henry round  - Or? ..

Link to Mudlarking discovery:

Hi Marty

Those three rounds (Below) are all .577/.450 Martini-Henry rounds.  The left one is an original foil wrapped Boxer (1880’s), the right one is a late production Kynoch commercial (circa 1960’s), and the centre one is an Eley cartridge (pre 1920’s) that has been reloaded as can be deduced from the nickeled primer (the correct period primers were copper). Rod.

- Or might the Thames round be a 'CADET' round - as in the cartridge on the right below?
I Certainly Don't Know.

- An interesting discussion for any expert cartridge collectors eh.
Hi Marty
 I didn’t watch it all the way through but the first cartridge (on the video) is definitely not a .577 Snider or .45 M-H but appears to be very similar to a .450 No 1 Musket (a popular target cartridge in the 1870’s and 80’s) and the second appears to be a 9mm Para.


Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Orange GUN Barrels & IDIOTS:

- Looking for something to write about .. I today googled miniature pistols - and discovered another instance of THE WORLD'S GONE MAD.


Britain's E-Bay inserts a warning on each such toy gun advert thus: 

"This replica gun contains the colored markings required by law, including a permanently attached orange plug."

.. Beginning in 1988, cap guns and other toy guns in the United States must be manufactured with a bright orange, red, or yellow tip placed over the "muzzle" of the cap gun, or with the entire gun made in these or other bright colours. Laws requiring these markings were made because of incidents where children and teenagers were killed by police officers who mistook cap guns for real guns. While these incidents were rare, lawmakers decided that toy guns must be marked so they cannot be mistaken for real guns.

Prison Orange for SAFE?

However in the UK The Firearms Act now states - in part that:

3.1 A toy firearm shall be distinguishable from a real firearm or a realistic imitation firearm
as defined above.
3.2 The previous codes of practice for toy firearms specified a bright orange or red plug. The Violent Crime
Reduction Act (together with the Violent Crime Reduction Act (Realistic Imitation Firearms) Regulations
2007) requires that further measures must be taken to enable imitation firearms to be distinguished from
real firearms.
Therefore a toy firearm may either: -
3.2.1 be constructed entirely of transparent materials which permit unmistakable observation of the complete
contents of the device, or
3.2.2 be coloured in bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright blue, bright pink or bright
purple either singly or as the principal colour in combination with the other colours in any pattern, or
3.2.3 be a miniature toy firearm
– that is to say less than 38mm in height and 70mm in length, (excluding any gun stock measurement).
3.2.4 be a toy firearm the appearance of which would tend to identify it as having a design and
mechanism of a sort first dating from before the year 1870.
3.2.5 be clearly identifiable as a toy by its general appearance or shape not having similarities with real
firearms e.g. futuristic weapons, “ray guns” and similar.

Orange Barrel Plugs for Sale @ $7.28 'Buy it now'

.. So if it's orange it's SAFE  ..

Here in NZ - KIWI GUN BLOG are chasing the police to state if they are boosting their reported gun crime numbers by including "imitation" guns such as bananas or broom handles in their reported statistics. - It seems that indeed police are adding this bullshit to boost their crime figures .. and are also still refusing to properly answer questions. LINK:

It seems possible that in NZ any object can be counted as a gun for the police criminal records whether or not it is colored orange.

- How long will it be before this orange lark leads towards drug dealers & nutters coloring their guns fluro to stop hesitant cops from firing at them?

- Meanwhile, in UK .. another homeless worker has frozen to death (outside London's Westminster Palace) - adding one more malnourished death to the almost 600 homeless "dosser" deaths per annum that are officially recorded for the previous year.

Get your barrel tape here.

The Lunatics have taken over the asylums in Government.

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Gun Digest & Insider Books Reviewed for Christmas:

I look forward each year to the next GUN DIGEST release .. well these books are collectible and generally the content is worthwhile reading.

I've had this/next year's 2019 73rd edition now for a couple of months - and I can report that the nice shiny 'paper-back' cover hasn't fallen off yet ..

The cover images are of fancy Kimber 1911 clones. - Shame about that eh.

Fortunately, - many writers are well worth reading .. try Rory Miller & his Chiron Training Volumes (from his Blog)plus his book 'TRAINING FOR SUDDEN VIOLENCE'. 

Mr Miller's writing is of itself entertaining - being rich with tales from his working days - confrontations & down-&-dirty conflict when employed in law enforcement, Corrections Maximum Security and L.E. instruction. - However I think that you may learn how to FIGHT-WIN or how to avoid the dancing (as much as you can from reading) - rather than just 'self defense' or any sporting martial art. He's telling you about the way to dominate by using power with long experience.

The e-books are priced OK - but I'd hesitate to complain about their cost even to an unarmed Rory - from a safe distance - The man resolves problems issues.

- If you'd like to learn about the "Monkey Dance" or the "educational Beat Down" .. get reading and learning about prison yard dominance & gang tribal custom. -You wont regret it.
Now .. here's another contrast .. a book from someone likely convinced that 'bad offenders' are themselves victims needing to be understood. The reviewer is a long service  cop - as is Greg Ellefritz who posted about both - but this books quitter writer has a p.c. viewpoint of life .. at least he recognizes his own rookie status.

- Read John Hearne's review .. but not the book.

Still looking at "interpersonal relationships"  - I just returned from the supermarket run and was brewing a needed pot of coffee .. when I heard a radio talker "stressing the importance of PHILANTHROPY in getting funding for projects".

Hmm - as I understand the current realities of life - we permit business corporates & individuals to minimize their "tax burden" so that they can further enrich their lifestyle - thereby under-funding the process of democratic government - Then we need to hold-out the begging bowl to the wealthy asking them to trickle-down some spare, (tax-deductible) cash towards us grateful peasants.

Merry Retail Rapture ..
It's called 'Democracy'.

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

Monday, 17 December 2018

Gun Rights - 70 Years of UN Human Rights:

Seventy years ago this month there was one giant step forward taken when a major moral and legal stand was made:

During World War II, the Allies adopted as their basic aims the Four Freedoms.

 freedom of speechfreedom of religionfreedom from fear, and freedom from want

Then in December 1948 this grew into The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights .. to this day the USA refuses to ratify the covenant on economic, social, and cultural rights. 

You can find & read the Declaration here:

Article I: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. 

- Are there any questions? - (I'm sure that I've known a few individuals who were lacking in the "reason and conscience" department.)

These are 30 'articles' that "say it all". - 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 are somewhat relevant to gun (and other) rights.

Worth a look in a quiet moment of your day,

The United Nations has specific Charters regarding arms and munitions .. UNODA( United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Regulations on ARMS TRADE,
 - UNPoA (UN small arms Program of Action), - and indeed, to come, the BIGGIE (at last!) - UN adopted a landmark resolution (L.41) to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons.

However - While the UN specifically recognizes the rights of states to self defense - they haven't defended individual's rights .. and it is clear that some Governments are sneakily  using/quoting constraints on illegal international arms trading when limiting and removing the rights of individual firearms owners and users.

Then there is United Nations OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights)

Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials

- which sets-out the 26 rules for Law Enforcement .. worth reading. LINK:

Here's a weird thing .. while I've been gun scribbling on-line - our nearest neighbor AUSTRALIA has only managed to record an odd couple of readers .. I put it down to not many of those poor sugar-cane cutters & cotton growers being big readers eh. - But suddenly their numbers have leaped forward to closely compete for the No.1 place with US readership.

 - No longer are the Aussies at the bottom of the readership pool next to 'Unknown Region'. - Can you suggest what's happened? - Have  Ladybird published a new set of Bruce & Sheela reading primers?

Pass the goon bag mate and put some more snags and yabbies on the barbie.

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?