Tuesday 11 December 2018

NZ & UK's Violence:

London 2018: NZ National Radio tells us that so far this year there have been 73 Fatal Stabbings in London alone.

New Zealand is sadly also subject to violence .. we have a ongoing investigation of a young British girl visitor's murder in the Auckland area and our Primes Minister Jacinda Ardern  has publicly apologized to Grace Millane's family. - I would wish to add my own sadness and outrage at this cruel murder.

- New Zealand has not escaped increasing dirty crime.

But London's/Britain's knife violence is at an extreme level generally and is being linked to high drug use (cocaine).


There have been thousands of stabbings in my old 'home town' - where knives seem to be reckoned a necessary arm for young city men.

As with every such social issue - there will be many reasons. - I'd be guessing that low police numbers, overcrowded and run-down city areas, - and high levels of "self medication" by young active folk both looking for relief from stress and 'fun' will be part of it.

I'm no sociologist but we must not accept such a rise in violent crime as 'normal'.

One fix might be TUI ..

In New Zealand we have a lovely songbird called The TUI ..
A Tui - they really are good singers.

Then we have a brand of half-decent BEER from brewers TUI .. their adverts display a popular whimsical brand of humor ..

.. But the TUI that I'd like to mention here is solid copper ammunition from Fort Scott Munitions having designed-in instability 'weight rearwards' to Tumble Upon Impact.
Pointed 115 gn TUI 9 mm projectile compared with a Classic round-nose.

Tests indicate that these solids do work and do tumble on impact. While I'm not offering such pills as a magic pill remedy for all violent criminals - they are lead-free, anti-bacterial, and non polluting.

- The older that I get - the more pro capital punishment I seem to be. Whether this is because I'm getting irritable & bad tempered OR maybe because I've learned stuff as time passes-by my head, is debatable.

Marty K.
Hi Marty
 Merry Christmas to you as well!  Just another wee point, the .303 Mk VII bullet (1910) was designed with a lightweight nose filler (aluminium, paper, or plastic) to make it base heavy.  This improved accuracy (just like the hollow point match bullets of today) and the full-metal jacket complied with the Hague Convention.  These bullets killed very well and clipping a bone almost guaranteed tumbling.  I don’t think that was a design feature as much as a fortunate side effect which is why it served well for over 50 years.  The ability of a bullet to kill well is the sole rationale for its use!


After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?


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