Monday 17 December 2018

Gun Rights - 70 Years of UN Human Rights:

Seventy years ago this month there was one giant step forward taken when a major moral and legal stand was made:

During World War II, the Allies adopted as their basic aims the Four Freedoms.

 freedom of speechfreedom of religionfreedom from fear, and freedom from want

Then in December 1948 this grew into The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights .. to this day the USA refuses to ratify the covenant on economic, social, and cultural rights. 

You can find & read the Declaration here:

Article I: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. 

- Are there any questions? - (I'm sure that I've known a few individuals who were lacking in the "reason and conscience" department.)

These are 30 'articles' that "say it all". - 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 are somewhat relevant to gun (and other) rights.

Worth a look in a quiet moment of your day,

The United Nations has specific Charters regarding arms and munitions .. UNODA( United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Regulations on ARMS TRADE,
 - UNPoA (UN small arms Program of Action), - and indeed, to come, the BIGGIE (at last!) - UN adopted a landmark resolution (L.41) to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons.

However - While the UN specifically recognizes the rights of states to self defense - they haven't defended individual's rights .. and it is clear that some Governments are sneakily  using/quoting constraints on illegal international arms trading when limiting and removing the rights of individual firearms owners and users.

Then there is United Nations OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights)

Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials

- which sets-out the 26 rules for Law Enforcement .. worth reading. LINK:

Here's a weird thing .. while I've been gun scribbling on-line - our nearest neighbor AUSTRALIA has only managed to record an odd couple of readers .. I put it down to not many of those poor sugar-cane cutters & cotton growers being big readers eh. - But suddenly their numbers have leaped forward to closely compete for the No.1 place with US readership.

 - No longer are the Aussies at the bottom of the readership pool next to 'Unknown Region'. - Can you suggest what's happened? - Have  Ladybird published a new set of Bruce & Sheela reading primers?

Pass the goon bag mate and put some more snags and yabbies on the barbie.

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

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