Saturday 29 December 2018

Selecting Leaders:

Christmas Day evening I caught James O'Brian on LBC Radio London musing about the year's events - stating a bit of an old truism .. that it was hard to get decent politicians as anyone ambitious to rule is the last person that hard working folk should invite into a position of power.

And, of course, this is exactly how our western system is organized.

It's cynical to state that we democratically 'select and elect' these shysters to enrich themselves further at our expense .. but right from the earliest wresting of control from the Chief Warlord by the combined lesser Lords - it was all just a power-share struggle - but one small step away from PLUTOCRACY towards our modern demagoguary.

PLUTOCRACY  - Government by the wealthy. 2. A wealthy class that controls a government.

DEMAGOGUARY - leaders who make use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power. 

-The Oxford Dictionary defines OLIGARCHY as - a small group of people having control of a country or organization .. a deceitful, devious small wealthy group describes our governing bodies fairly well.
Ruger Redhawk 8 Shot .357 Magnum
 Political Advantage .. Did He Fire SIX?

The solutions for "draining the swamp" are reasonably clear to see - but you'd be dreaming if you expected the current parasitic hyena pack to peacefully yield the meaty corpse that fattens them .. they'll have to be chased-off.

'Parliament' aka 'the Debating Chamber' is held to be the lands highest court - but it is the only court that I can think of where it is permitted to lie - and this privilege, immunity from Contempt of Court - is formally stated!

A change there would be a start .. deliberate misleading has to be a Contempt of Court criminal offense.

- Would it be rude of me to again point out that the phrase Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun was used by Mao both in 1927 and again in 1938? - If that is a realistic proposition - logically then an armed citizenry is essential to maintain democracy.

So how might the ambitious & greedy be filtered out of the halls of power? - my wee suggestion is to replace any "Upper House" and form a 'superior house' that is comprised a set number (101 - 301?) of mentally competent 'standard citizens' periodically 'drawn by lot' from the electoral roles to form a CITIZENS ASSEMBLY with veto power over the elected house - and the right to instruct the elected politicians on issues to consider and debate.

Marty K.
After researching & writing 1,036 blogs I've got something NEW to try .. I've signed-up to Patreon. - In over five years I've not made one cent from this .. NOW you can send me a wee support $ - starting from $1. to get all this stuff from New Zealand - over a year that's nearly the price of one Shooting magazine. - Am I worth it?

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