Sunday 11 April 2021

Gun Salute Freaks-out the GUN Banners - Who've Freaked-Out Shooters:

Yup .. that's us.

 The noise from Wellington's 41 GUN SALUTE marking New Zealand's respect following the passing of 99 y.o. His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, Baron Greenwich, etc - will no doubt have reduced Hera Cook & her merry band of State funded academic ANTI-GUNNERS to gibbering wrecks.

GUN CONTROL LOBBY  is Nearly 2 Years old 
(dates from May 2019):

Ah but sorry - I forgot she was already gibbering anyway ..

I would have expected Dr. Hera to have looked-up from her specialist study of cosmetic surgery of the female sex organ for long enough to inanely opine about guns being discharged to commemorate a dead shooter.


Anyway - if a powerful enemy is spitting in your face while strangling you to death .. do you focus on checking the spelling in a letter he sent you - or do you try doing anything you can to stop him?

I am unaware of any single New Zealand shooters organization actually taking ANY action to oppose the 1st, 2nd, or current tranche of oppressive ANTI-GUN regulation .. other than the Kiwi Party who did take their claim to the High Court where they were informed that they had a good argument BUT the Court couldn't do what they wanted.

Action is needed NOW rather than ongoing research and a 'watching brief''.

or from 1962 ..

A fine specimen tiger Prince Philip shot with Her Majesty in India.

Oh well - I guess a fair amount of "double-think" might cancel-out the facts for Hera .. but it doesn't excuse shooters organizations behaving as defunct totally inactive & separate chat circles.

- Is it time to despair now?

Marty K.


  1. I don't know if it's true, but I heard that after the 41 gun salute in Portsmouth last week, France surrendered :-)

  2. Hmm -World War I cost France 1,357,800 dead, 4,266,000 wounded (of whom 1.5 million were permanently maimed). French troops going over the top ran forward crying "Baaaah, Baaaah" to be slaughtered.
