Monday 8 November 2021

Oh My Gawd It's Fantasy time ..

 Considering that we appear to be entering Christian Biblical END DAYS for New Zealand firearms private ownership - thanks to Jacinda - did you ever try to rationalize that fabled Christianity story? 

-- There's this superhuman entity that created the whole Universe - all the stars & planets - but he is simultaneously both himself - his father - and the 'Spirit' of his grand-father. - So he tupped his mother who then gave birth to him but remains a virgin despite being married to a Palestinian carpenter called Joseph. So God then performs many wondrous miracles for the locals including raising the dead, making wine, and healing the sick .. but they decide he's an anti-free trade activist so arrange for the Romans to execute him by crucifying but after he's dead he comes back and then goes up to his place Heaven inside the pearly gates up in the clouds where the airplanes, rockets and satellites spin but haven't yet knocked any angel off their seats. - He can change anything he wants .. but doesn't because he wants us to do it all the hard way by developing a "Christian Ethic" and to work for the Bishops, Monarchs & Wealth Creators.

Currently our immature New Zealand teen-aged girls are sporting Tourette's style tics they have learned caught from "social media" .. no doubt they will be diagnosed as mentally ill victims of colonialism suffering from stress and prescribed with mind altering medications to depress their cerebral functions.

It's just as well that few here much under the age of fifty are interested in hunting or shooting sports - as they will likely have a record of mental health issues, - both self-me
dication and prescribed .. body piercing, self-harming and tattoos - but would maintain their "right" to not follow any safety instructions.


However .. IT IS A FACT that 60 years ago October 30  1961 Russia exploded the largest ever nuclear bomb designed to be 100 megatons but that yielded around half of that. 
- The fireball grew to 60 miles across and forty miles high.

It seems that nobody in government at that time was surprised by this massive demonstration of insanity ..

Marty K.

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