Saturday 8 August 2020

Corrupt Government

 If you start with the idea that a country should be run for the benefit of it's population .. you must be disappointed with our world ..

Only the two darkest shades of blue  claim to be "democratic" ..  but policies of even those elected governments have no compulsion to act in the interests of the majority.

There is only one nation in the world that has DIRECT DEMOCRACY - Switzerland - where every policy is decided by voters.

- How can voters here accept their police claiming that ordinary people have no right to self defence using a weapon?

- Take something silly like Television - this wonderful invention used to be great before corrupt governments handed programming control to commercial marketing businesses .. so you can't now watch anything for ten minutes before it is disrupted by five minutes of inane advertising.

.. Getting serious - the basic duty of an elected government is to organise the civil rights of HEALTH CARE - LAW & ORDER - EDUCATION - EMERGENCY SERVICES - SOCIAL WELFARE .. for the people.

Can your management claim that all of these five essentials are fully funded and resourced? .. or are yours all run-down and struggling to cope? - perhaps even becoming privatised and run for profit?

How can any nation that maintains a privileged elite monarchy (with associated aristocrats - 811 in the House of Lords) pretend to be running things for 'The People'? - There are 44 Monarchies:

Even without a monarchy - the top one percent of wealthy Americans own 40% of all of America.

As of 2020, 33 year old Mark Zuckerberg’s (founder of Facebook) net worth is estimated to be OVER 100 Billion - he is quickly catching up to the other CENTI-BILLIONAIRES Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

Money Talks: - Like when the privileged parliamentarians decided that they'd blame Licensed Firearms Owners for an Australian Tarrant killing 51 Muslems and horribly injuring 40 more ..

Even more disastrous - when you get brave enough to think about the 

13 THOUSAND nuclear warheads that are held ready to destroy us all & our children - these 13,000 abominations were invented  and built by GOVERNMENTS using our taxes .. 

They were not built or kept at home by licensed firearms users.

"Mustn't complain eh ... They're doing their best."

- The trick seems to be that the elite top layer is allowed to lie to us .. and then PAID by us - and a lot of the poorly educated believe the bullshit that they are fed.

When our New Zealand Government cut funding for the firearms Licensing process and changed the regulations to allow police to give an Australian white supremacist killer Brenton Tarrant his license to kill - They then tried to cover-up by blaming fit & proper Licensed sporting shooters for those murders.

Use your Party Vote carefully .. as The Royal Commission Report will only be released AFTER the Election.

Marty K.

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