Tuesday 11 August 2020

NZ Industrial-Political-Media COMPLEX

 I was party to a recent discussion involving the 'POWER OF THE PRESS" and how it works for the Governments .. but I reckon that the "Media" is only one influential part of the Corporate Complex that our governments support and feed with our tax money.

NZ Is Something Like U S But Much Smaller

The diagram illustrates how the mutual back scratching flows around (round & round) .. Link:


POWER - MONEY & Influence or Control work together for their own mutual benefit .. while Voters are fed the stories by media to direct their emotions and attention away from the facts into the desired direction every few years.

You are constantly being manipulated and 'conditioned' by the same marketing & PR techniques that might annoy you with the repeated T.V advertising.

This is a well known psychological technique .. Link



Even if you don't accept or agree with these persuaders at a conscious level - your subconscious is receptive to repeated inputs. - If you watch it  - hear it - or read it around 10 times ... You've got it.

Anti-Firearms emotion is simple to promote as the majority of peacetime city dwellers will only need to be nudged forward slightly - in line with the sensational thriller fiction violence and and lurid crime reporting on the 6 o'clock news .. "if it bleeds it leads."

You would need to be naive to believe that the first two tranches of anti-gun legislation rushed into New Zealand law following BRENTON TARRANT's white supremacist killings were written then and there .. they certainly were already prepared & polished waiting for the right moment to introduce.

Only time will tell if  'fit & proper Licensed Sporting Shooters' manage to stop the next waiting tranches from surfacing or perhaps even manage to correct the awful & ineffective screeds already passed into New Zealand Law.

Marty K.

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