Wednesday 27 February 2019

Survival .. Of The Richest?

When the Titanic sunk in the frigid North Atlantic, April 1912 - fully 60% of it's First Class passengers were saved against only 25% of the third-class human resources. This example is only 'indicative' .. it certainly is not conclusive proof that the upper income levels can include longevity with their many other privileges. - That proof is self evident to anyone looking around everyday life.
The Titanic like many other vessels was an auxiliary ship of the 'Royal' Navy and it's issue equipment would likely have included Webley .455" Revolvers for use by Officers trusted to the control of men.

Inherited wealth needs to be protected in a sustainable and organized way .. it would be disastrous if the establishment's aggressive take-over expeditions ever bounced back as a destructive 'own goal'. Preparations must be made.
The top 1% worldwide will have protected facilities in remote locations accessible by private jet & helicopters - with plenty of camp followers eager to serve and share .. their survival depends on their success.
De-classified Kelvedon Hatch hardened R4 bunker lies 125 foot beneath it's UK Essex bungalow entrance.

The most publicly known formal privilege system is the multi-layered monarchy / nobility of the United Kingdom that is fully financed by public taxation.

Here is one example of a current millionaire facility: LINK:

The point is that even the thickest billionaire will value both privacy & security when money-resources are not a problem. .. so you will need to search out the real high level stuff. - Those of us with much less means will need to think and work harder at protecting our families from disasters.

How is your future looking? .. as I write we have two nuclear powers currently shooting down each others warplanes. - India & Pakistan are at the early stage of open warfare again.

- You can now send me a wee support $ - starting from $1 to get all this stuff from New Zealand:

Marty K.

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