Sunday 26 November 2023

LEAD Intoxication:

 I don't have money and I don't particularly want money .. What I do want is a long happy life with some toys to play with - Ask the psychopath billionaires how happy are they?

Here's a question .. Do you remember when the story was that we elected a government to do what we needed to have organised for us? - How did that morph into a privileged elite management, scheming how to harvest our resources for the benefit of the top 1% millionaires and themselves?

So we now have act inside government and a "review" of some aspects of the current divisive & punitive firearms laws promised - Great, that's going to fix everything I bet ...


Now I'm not trying to be a "smart ass" here .. but generally most of us think that being INTOXICATED means that we've drunk too much alcohol and have become "pissed".

- Go back to basics - toxins are poisons - and 'in' means you've got them inside you .. so intoxicated means that you are poisoned  (.. yes - alcohol is a poison) !

Now lead is no way such a deadly poison as say CYANIDE  - but if you are regularly playing with it ballistically, you do need to be aware & careful. - After a shooting trip - WASH YOUR HANDS & FACE BEFORE YOU EAT.

- If you are scrubbing lead out of your barrel - maybe wear throw-away gloves ..

As shooters we need to consider that LEAD if we ingest it - is capable of being a toxic substance to us. - The big issue with LEADED PETROL and "white lead" in paints was mostly about kids having exposure to lead oxide dust when their wee brains are developing and vulnerable .. it's probably too late for us big folk to develop our brains much further eh - except by reading - but many cartridge primers contain  lead styphnate that vaporises when fired. - Our skin electrostatically attracts lead dust.

I've introduced a few new shooters to safe gun use. It is a fair observation that FEMALE first time shooters are in general, cautious, safe and accurate - whereas the guys were a mixed bunch depending on which movies they had seen and liked. - The girls listened to guidance - whereas some jokers knew it all already. I bet females wash their hands more than males or others.

TOXIC Lead de-myelinates neuronal sheaths in the central nervous system - stunting neuronal growth and it interfears with neurotransmission.


Myelin is an insulating layer, or sheath that forms around the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. It is made up of protein and fatty substances. The myelin sheath allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently along the nerve cells. 
If your myelin is damaged, those thought impulses slow down.
Sure - a chunk of high velocity lead in the brain almost certainly will be final .. but minute quantities absorbed into the bloodstream, that then move into that wonderful center of consciousness, can eff-up the rest of your days.
Could shooter's brain damage explain why NZ Shooters Organizations here have done NOTHING to fight anti-gun, - ANTI-SHOOTER legislation and Police hostility?
Care & good hygiene are needed when working with lead.
The good news is  - that you can counter loosing your marbles by eating healthy vegetable based low fat tasty foods .. by developing healthy sleep habits - and by using your brain to LEARN NEW STUFF & by exercising 
.. A double plus whammy - Learn how to make Thai Vegetable Red Curry ..
Marty K.

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