Sunday 17 November 2019


According to The HUFFPOST we kiwis are getting the sharp end of the royal sticky-up-thingy ..
- That's kinda strange .. as down here we are the furthest most remote outpost of the queen's possessions but pay the highest rate to have the royal's heads on our coinage and an occasional passing wave.

It's not that I'm anti-royalist as I'm sure that they might - like some of Trump's Mexicans - be lovely people .. It just that I can't see the point or the benefit of keeping any tribe in permanent bejewelled privilege. - Let them earn money or steal it publicly like the rest of us have to.

The 'Royals' are of-course at the very head of the whole rotten British Class System ..
Prohibit "royalty" - and those hereditary aristocratic & odd sounding toffs will vanish - along with that despicable "House of Lords" and it's "vested interests" .. it needs to be replaced by a CITIZENS ASSEMBLY.

.. That would then expose the corrupt cesspit of Parliamentary Privilege to scrutiny - and start to deodorize the associated Eton college & Westminster School along with other private schools for the wealthy & privileged into being upgraded as 'Comprehensives' - part of an excellent state education system.

One education system and one health system  .. one Justice system and one Tax system for all too.

That's not unreasonable eh .. Let's get rid of all this corruption.
I'll Drink To That.

Marty K.

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